C# Class ScrewTurn.Wiki.Plugins.PluginPack.Footnotes

Implements a footnotes plugin.
Inheritance: IFormatterProviderV30
显示文件 Open project: mono/ScrewTurnWiki

Public Methods

Method Description
Format ( string raw, ContextInformation context, FormattingPhase phase ) : string

Performs a Formatting phase.

Init ( IHostV30 host, string config ) : void

Initializes the Storage Provider.

PrepareTitle ( string title, ContextInformation context ) : string

Prepares the title of an item for display (always during phase 3).

Shutdown ( ) : void

Method invoked on shutdown.

This method might not be invoked in some cases.

Private Methods

Method Description
ReplaceFirst ( string input, string find, string replace ) : string

Method Details

Format() public method

Performs a Formatting phase.
public Format ( string raw, ContextInformation context, FormattingPhase phase ) : string
raw string The raw content to Format.
context ScrewTurn.Wiki.PluginFramework.ContextInformation The Context information.
phase FormattingPhase The Phase.
return string

Init() public method

Initializes the Storage Provider.
If or are null. If is not valid or is incorrect.
public Init ( IHostV30 host, string config ) : void
host IHostV30 The Host of the Component.
config string The Configuration data, if any.
return void

PrepareTitle() public method

Prepares the title of an item for display (always during phase 3).
public PrepareTitle ( string title, ContextInformation context ) : string
title string The input title.
context ScrewTurn.Wiki.PluginFramework.ContextInformation The context information.
return string

Shutdown() public method

Method invoked on shutdown.
This method might not be invoked in some cases.
public Shutdown ( ) : void
return void