C# Class ScrewTurn.Wiki.AclEngine.AclManagerBase

Implements a base class for an ACL Manager.
All instance and static members are thread-safe.
Inheritance: IAclManager
显示文件 Open project: mono/ScrewTurnWiki

Public Methods

Method Description
AclManagerBase ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the T:AclManagerBase abstract class.

DeleteEntriesForResource ( string resource ) : bool

Deletes all the ACL entries for a resource.

DeleteEntriesForSubject ( string subject ) : bool

Deletes all the ACL entries for a subject.

DeleteEntry ( string resource, string action, string subject ) : bool

Deletes an ACL entry.

InitializeData ( AclEntry entries ) : void

Initializes the manager data.

RenameResource ( string resource, string newName ) : bool

Renames a resource.

RetrieveAllEntries ( ) : AclEntry[]

Retrieves all the ACL entries for a resource.

RetrieveEntriesForResource ( string resource ) : AclEntry[]

Retrieves all the ACL entries for a resource.

RetrieveEntriesForSubject ( string subject ) : AclEntry[]

Retrieves all the ACL entries for a subject.

StoreEntry ( string resource, string action, string subject, Value value ) : bool

Stores a new ACL entry.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnAclChanged ( AclEntry entries, Change change ) : void

Handles the invokation of IAclManager.AclChanged event.

Method Details

AclManagerBase() public method

Initializes a new instance of the T:AclManagerBase abstract class.
public AclManagerBase ( ) : System
return System

DeleteEntriesForResource() public method

Deletes all the ACL entries for a resource.
If is null. If is empty.
public DeleteEntriesForResource ( string resource ) : bool
resource string The controlled resource.
return bool

DeleteEntriesForSubject() public method

Deletes all the ACL entries for a subject.
If is null. If is empty.
public DeleteEntriesForSubject ( string subject ) : bool
subject string The subject.
return bool

DeleteEntry() public method

Deletes an ACL entry.
If , or are null. If , or are empty.
public DeleteEntry ( string resource, string action, string subject ) : bool
resource string The controlled resource.
action string The action on the controlled resource.
subject string The subject whose access to the resource/action is controlled.
return bool

InitializeData() public method

Initializes the manager data.
If is null.
public InitializeData ( AclEntry entries ) : void
entries AclEntry The ACL entries.
return void

OnAclChanged() protected method

Handles the invokation of IAclManager.AclChanged event.
protected OnAclChanged ( AclEntry entries, Change change ) : void
entries AclEntry The changed entries.
change Change The change.
return void

RenameResource() public method

Renames a resource.
If or are null. If or are empty.
public RenameResource ( string resource, string newName ) : bool
resource string The resource.
newName string The new name of the resource.
return bool

RetrieveAllEntries() public method

Retrieves all the ACL entries for a resource.
public RetrieveAllEntries ( ) : AclEntry[]
return AclEntry[]

RetrieveEntriesForResource() public method

Retrieves all the ACL entries for a resource.
If is null. If is empty.
public RetrieveEntriesForResource ( string resource ) : AclEntry[]
resource string The resource.
return AclEntry[]

RetrieveEntriesForSubject() public method

Retrieves all the ACL entries for a subject.
If is null. If is empty.
public RetrieveEntriesForSubject ( string subject ) : AclEntry[]
subject string The subject.
return AclEntry[]

StoreEntry() public method

Stores a new ACL entry.
If , or are null. If , or are empty.
public StoreEntry ( string resource, string action, string subject, Value value ) : bool
resource string The controlled resource.
action string The action on the controlled resource.
subject string The subject whose access to the resource/action is controlled.
value Value The value of the entry.
return bool