C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.PrintRootSite

Implements IVwRootSite in a trivial way for printing.
Inheritance: IVwRootSite, IPrintRootSite
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
AdvanceWhenNotCollating void
DeltaTime string
IVwRootSite System.Guid
IVwRootSite IVwGraphics
IVwRootSite VwDelProbResponse
IVwRootSite VwInsertDiffParaResponse
IVwRootSite VwInsertDiffParaResponse
IVwRootSite bool
IVwRootSite bool
IVwRootSite bool
IVwRootSite bool
IVwRootSite int
IVwRootSite string
IVwRootSite void
IVwRootSite void
IVwRootSite void
IVwRootSite void
IVwRootSite void
IVwRootSite void
IVwRootSite void
Init void
PixelsFrom100ths int
SetMargins void
SetPrintRange void
pd_PrintPage void

Public Methods

Method Description
GetTransformAtDst ( IVwRootBox root, Point pt, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void

Get a transform for a given destination point...shouldn't be needed but this is safe.

GetTransformAtSrc ( IVwRootBox root, Point pt, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void

Get a transform for a given source point...shouldn't be needed but this is safe.

Print ( System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument pd ) : void

Prints the given document. Implements interface IPrintRootSite. Caller is responsible to catch any exceptions.

PrintRootSite ( ISilDataAccess sda, int hvo, IVwViewConstructor vc, int frags, IVwStylesheet styleSheet ) : System

RequestSelectionAtEndOfUow ( IVwRootBox _rootb, int ihvoRoot, int cvlsi, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.SelLevInfo rgvsli, int tagTextProp, int cpropPrevious, int ich, int wsAlt, bool fAssocPrev, ITsTextProps selProps ) : void

print root sites are never used for editing, so this routine should never be called.

get_ScreenGraphics ( IVwRootBox _Root ) : IVwGraphics

Real drawing VG same as layout one for simple printing.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Advance ( ) : void

Call this method after each page is printed. This will cause the calculations to be made in order to return HasMorePages accurately.

PrintRootSite ( int totalNumberOfPages, System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings psettings ) : System

This constructor is for internal and testing purposes only. Don't use in production code!

Private Methods

Method Description
AdvanceWhenNotCollating ( ) : void

Advance to the next page when collating is turned off

DeltaTime ( long x1, long x2 ) : string
IVwRootSite ( string text, IVwSelection selDst, int &podt ) : System.Guid

User trying to paste text with object ref - not implemented for print.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox pRoot ) : IVwGraphics

Get a graphics object in an appropriate state for drawing and measuring in the view. The calling method should pass the IVwGraphics back to ReleaseGraphics() before it returns. In particular, problems will arise if OnPaint() gets called before the ReleaseGraphics() method.

IVwRootSite ( IVwSelection sel, VwDelProbType dpt ) : VwDelProbResponse

The user has attempted to delete something which the system does not inherently know how to delete. The dpt argument indicates the type of problem.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb, ITsTextProps ttpDest, ITsTextProps ttpSrc, ITsString tssParas, ITsString tssTrailing ) : VwInsertDiffParaResponse

see OnInsertDiffParas

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb, ITsTextProps ttpDest, int cPara, ITsTextProps ttpSrc, ITsString tssParas, ITsString tssTrailing ) : VwInsertDiffParaResponse

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : bool

Return true if this kind of window uses semi-tagging.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb, int ydTop, int ydBottom ) : bool

Answer whether boxes in the specified range of destination coordinates may usefully be converted to lazy boxes. Should at least answer false if any part of the range is visible. The default implementation avoids converting stuff within about a screen's height of the visible part(s).

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb, int dxdSize, int dxdPosition, int dydSize, int dydPosition ) : bool

Adjust the scroll range when some lazy box got expanded. Needs to be done for both panes if we have more than one.

IVwRootSite ( IVwSelection sel, VwScrollSelOpts scrollOption ) : bool

Scrolls the selection into view, positioning it as requested

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : int

Get the width available for laying things out in the view.

IVwRootSite ( System.Guid &guid ) : string

User trying to copy text with object ref - not implemented for print.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : void

Cause the immediate update of the display of the root box. This should cause all pending paint operations to be done immediately, at least for the screen area occupied by the root box. It is typically called after processing key strokes, to ensure that the updated text is displayed before trying to process any subsequent keystrokes.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwGraphics pvg ) : void

Inform the container when done with the graphics object.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox pRoot, IVwGraphics &pvg, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void

Get a graphics object in an appropriate state for drawing and measuring in the view. The calling method should pass the IVwGraphics back to ReleaseGraphics() before it returns. In particular, problems will arise if OnPaint() gets called before the ReleaseGraphics() method.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwOverlay vo ) : void

When the state of the overlays changes, it propagates this to its site.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwSelection vwselNew ) : void

Notifies the site that something about the selection has changed.

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb, System &pt ) : void

IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox root, int xdLeft, int ydTop, int xdWidth, int ydHeight ) : void

Invalidate rectangle

Init ( System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e ) : void
PixelsFrom100ths ( int val, int dpi ) : int

Returns pixels from a value expressed in 100ths of an inch.

SetMargins ( System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e ) : void
SetPrintRange ( ) : void

Sets the print range, if necessary, in the PrintSettings. Also initializes the HasMorePages property.

pd_PrintPage ( object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

Advance() protected method

Call this method after each page is printed. This will cause the calculations to be made in order to return HasMorePages accurately.
protected Advance ( ) : void
return void

GetTransformAtDst() public method

Get a transform for a given destination point...shouldn't be needed but this is safe.
public GetTransformAtDst ( IVwRootBox root, Point pt, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void
root IVwRootBox
pt Point
rcSrcRoot Rect
rcDstRoot Rect
return void

GetTransformAtSrc() public method

Get a transform for a given source point...shouldn't be needed but this is safe.
public GetTransformAtSrc ( IVwRootBox root, Point pt, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void
root IVwRootBox
pt Point
rcSrcRoot Rect
rcDstRoot Rect
return void

Print() public method

Prints the given document. Implements interface IPrintRootSite. Caller is responsible to catch any exceptions.
public Print ( System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument pd ) : void
pd System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
return void

PrintRootSite() public method

public PrintRootSite ( ISilDataAccess sda, int hvo, IVwViewConstructor vc, int frags, IVwStylesheet styleSheet ) : System
sda ISilDataAccess
hvo int
vc IVwViewConstructor
frags int
styleSheet IVwStylesheet
return System

PrintRootSite() protected method

This constructor is for internal and testing purposes only. Don't use in production code!
protected PrintRootSite ( int totalNumberOfPages, System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings psettings ) : System
totalNumberOfPages int
psettings System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings
return System

RequestSelectionAtEndOfUow() public method

print root sites are never used for editing, so this routine should never be called.
public RequestSelectionAtEndOfUow ( IVwRootBox _rootb, int ihvoRoot, int cvlsi, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.SelLevInfo rgvsli, int tagTextProp, int cpropPrevious, int ich, int wsAlt, bool fAssocPrev, ITsTextProps selProps ) : void
_rootb IVwRootBox
ihvoRoot int
cvlsi int
rgvsli SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.SelLevInfo
tagTextProp int
cpropPrevious int
ich int
wsAlt int
fAssocPrev bool
selProps ITsTextProps
return void

get_ScreenGraphics() public method

Real drawing VG same as layout one for simple printing.
public get_ScreenGraphics ( IVwRootBox _Root ) : IVwGraphics
_Root IVwRootBox
return IVwGraphics