C# Class RockWeb.Blocks.Event.RegistrationInstanceDetail

Inheritance: Rock.Web.UI.RockBlock, IDetailBlock
显示文件 Open project: SparkDevNetwork/Rock

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddDynamicControls void
BindGroupPlacementGrid void
BindLinkagesFilter void
BindLinkagesGrid void
BindPaymentsFilter void
BindPaymentsGrid void
BindRegistrantsFilter void
BindRegistrantsGrid void
BindRegistrationsFilter void
BindRegistrationsGrid void
GetRegistrationInstance RegistrationInstance
LoadRegistrantFormFields void
SetEditMode void
SetFollowingOnPostback void
SetHasPayments void
ShowDetail void
ShowEditDetails void
ShowReadonlyDetails void
ShowTab void
gPayments_RowDataBound void
gRegistrants_AddClick void
gRegistrants_RowDataBound void

Public Methods

Method Description
GetBreadCrumbs ( PageReference pageReference ) : List

Gets the bread crumbs.

ShowDetail ( int itemId ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
Block_BlockUpdated ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the BlockUpdated event of the control.

LoadViewState ( object savedState ) : void

Restores the view-state information from a previous user control request that was saved by the M:System.Web.UI.UserControl.SaveViewState method.

OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init event.

OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load event.

SaveViewState ( ) : object

Saves any user control view-state changes that have occurred since the last page postback.

btnCancel_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnCancel control.

btnDelete_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnDelete control.

btnEdit_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnEdit control.

btnPreview_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnPreview control.

btnSave_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.

btnSendPaymentReminder_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnSendPaymentReminder control.

fLinkages_ApplyFilterClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the fLinkages control.

fLinkages_DisplayFilterValue ( object sender, GridFilter e ) : void

Fs the campusEventItems_ display filter value.

fPayments_ApplyFilterClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the fPayments control.

fPayments_DisplayFilterValue ( object sender, GridFilter e ) : void

Fs the payments_ display filter value.

fRegistrants_ApplyFilterClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the fRegistrants control.

fRegistrants_DisplayFilterValue ( object sender, GridFilter e ) : void

Fs the registrants_ display filter value.

fRegistrations_ApplyFilterClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the fRegistrations control.

fRegistrations_DisplayFilterValue ( object sender, GridFilter e ) : void

Fs the registrations_ display filter value.

gGroupPlacements_GridRebind ( object sender, GridRebindEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the GridRebind event of the gGroupPlacements control.

gLinkages_AddClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the AddClick event of the gLinkages control.

gLinkages_Delete ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Delete event of the gLinkages control.

gLinkages_Edit ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Edit event of the gLinkages control.

gLinkages_GridRebind ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the GridRebind event of the gLinkages control.

gLinkages_RowDataBound ( object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the RowDataBound event of the gLinkages control.

gPayments_GridRebind ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the GridRebind event of the gPayments control.

gPayments_RowSelected ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the RowSelected event of the gPayments control.

gRegistrants_Delete ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Delete event of the gRegistrants control.

gRegistrants_GridRebind ( object sender, GridRebindEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the GridRebind event of the gRegistrants control.

gRegistrants_RowSelected ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the RowSelected event of the gRegistrants control.

gRegistrations_AddClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the AddClick event of the gRegistrations control.

gRegistrations_Delete ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Delete event of the gRegistrations control.

gRegistrations_GridRebind ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the GridRebind event of the gRegistrations control.

gRegistrations_RowDataBound ( object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the RowDataBound event of the gRegistrations control.

gRegistrations_RowSelected ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the RowSelected event of the gRegistrations control.

gpGroupPlacementParentGroup_SelectItem ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the SelectItem event of the gpGroupPlacementParentGroup control.

lbPlaceInGroup_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the lbPlaceInGroup control.

lbTab_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the lbTab control.

lbTemplate_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddDynamicControls ( ) : void

Adds the filter controls and grid columns for all of the registration template's form fields that were configured to 'Show on Grid'

BindGroupPlacementGrid ( bool isExporting = false ) : void

Binds the group placement grid.

BindLinkagesFilter ( ) : void

Binds the registrations filter.

BindLinkagesGrid ( ) : void

Binds the registrations grid.

BindPaymentsFilter ( ) : void

Binds the payments filter.

BindPaymentsGrid ( ) : void

Binds the payments grid.

BindRegistrantsFilter ( RegistrationInstance instance ) : void

Binds the registrants filter.

BindRegistrantsGrid ( bool isExporting = false ) : void

Binds the registrants grid.

BindRegistrationsFilter ( ) : void

Binds the registrations filter.

BindRegistrationsGrid ( ) : void

Binds the registrations grid.

GetRegistrationInstance ( int registrationInstanceId, RockContext rockContext = null ) : RegistrationInstance

Gets the registration instance.

LoadRegistrantFormFields ( RegistrationInstance registrationInstance ) : void

Gets all of the form fields that were configured as 'Show on Grid' for the registration template

SetEditMode ( bool editable ) : void

Sets the edit mode.

SetFollowingOnPostback ( ) : void

Sets the following on postback.

SetHasPayments ( int registrationInstanceId, RockContext rockContext ) : void

Sets whether the registration has payments.

ShowDetail ( ) : void

Shows the detail.

ShowEditDetails ( RegistrationInstance instance, RockContext rockContext ) : void

Shows the edit details.

ShowReadonlyDetails ( RegistrationInstance RegistrationInstance ) : void

Shows the readonly details.

ShowTab ( ) : void

Shows the tab.

gPayments_RowDataBound ( object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the RowDataBound event of the gPayments control.

gRegistrants_AddClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the AddClick event of the gRegistrants control.

gRegistrants_RowDataBound ( object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the RowDataBound event of the gRegistrants control.

Method Details

Block_BlockUpdated() protected method

Handles the BlockUpdated event of the control.
protected Block_BlockUpdated ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

GetBreadCrumbs() public method

Gets the bread crumbs.
public GetBreadCrumbs ( PageReference pageReference ) : List
pageReference PageReference The page reference.
return List

LoadViewState() protected method

Restores the view-state information from a previous user control request that was saved by the M:System.Web.UI.UserControl.SaveViewState method.
protected LoadViewState ( object savedState ) : void
savedState object An that represents the user control state to be restored.
return void

OnInit() protected method

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init event.
protected OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs An object that contains the event data.
return void

OnLoad() protected method

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load event.
protected OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs The object that contains the event data.
return void

SaveViewState() protected method

Saves any user control view-state changes that have occurred since the last page postback.
protected SaveViewState ( ) : object
return object

ShowDetail() public method

public ShowDetail ( int itemId ) : void
itemId int
return void

btnCancel_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnCancel control.
protected btnCancel_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnDelete_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnDelete control.
protected btnDelete_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnEdit_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnEdit control.
protected btnEdit_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnPreview_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnPreview control.
protected btnPreview_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnSave_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
protected btnSave_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnSendPaymentReminder_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnSendPaymentReminder control.
protected btnSendPaymentReminder_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

fLinkages_ApplyFilterClick() protected method

Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the fLinkages control.
protected fLinkages_ApplyFilterClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

fLinkages_DisplayFilterValue() protected method

Fs the campusEventItems_ display filter value.
protected fLinkages_DisplayFilterValue ( object sender, GridFilter e ) : void
sender object The sender.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.GridFilter The e.
return void

fPayments_ApplyFilterClick() protected method

Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the fPayments control.
protected fPayments_ApplyFilterClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

fPayments_DisplayFilterValue() protected method

Fs the payments_ display filter value.
protected fPayments_DisplayFilterValue ( object sender, GridFilter e ) : void
sender object The sender.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.GridFilter The e.
return void

fRegistrants_ApplyFilterClick() protected method

Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the fRegistrants control.
protected fRegistrants_ApplyFilterClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

fRegistrants_DisplayFilterValue() protected method

Fs the registrants_ display filter value.
protected fRegistrants_DisplayFilterValue ( object sender, GridFilter e ) : void
sender object The sender.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.GridFilter The e.
return void

fRegistrations_ApplyFilterClick() protected method

Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the fRegistrations control.
protected fRegistrations_ApplyFilterClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

fRegistrations_DisplayFilterValue() protected method

Fs the registrations_ display filter value.
protected fRegistrations_DisplayFilterValue ( object sender, GridFilter e ) : void
sender object The sender.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.GridFilter The e.
return void

gGroupPlacements_GridRebind() protected method

Handles the GridRebind event of the gGroupPlacements control.
protected gGroupPlacements_GridRebind ( object sender, GridRebindEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e GridRebindEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gLinkages_AddClick() protected method

Handles the AddClick event of the gLinkages control.
protected gLinkages_AddClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gLinkages_Delete() protected method

Handles the Delete event of the gLinkages control.
protected gLinkages_Delete ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gLinkages_Edit() protected method

Handles the Edit event of the gLinkages control.
protected gLinkages_Edit ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gLinkages_GridRebind() protected method

Handles the GridRebind event of the gLinkages control.
protected gLinkages_GridRebind ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gLinkages_RowDataBound() protected method

Handles the RowDataBound event of the gLinkages control.
protected gLinkages_RowDataBound ( object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gPayments_GridRebind() protected method

Handles the GridRebind event of the gPayments control.
protected gPayments_GridRebind ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gPayments_RowSelected() protected method

Handles the RowSelected event of the gPayments control.
protected gPayments_RowSelected ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gRegistrants_Delete() protected method

Handles the Delete event of the gRegistrants control.
protected gRegistrants_Delete ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gRegistrants_GridRebind() protected method

Handles the GridRebind event of the gRegistrants control.
protected gRegistrants_GridRebind ( object sender, GridRebindEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e GridRebindEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gRegistrants_RowSelected() protected method

Handles the RowSelected event of the gRegistrants control.
protected gRegistrants_RowSelected ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gRegistrations_AddClick() protected method

Handles the AddClick event of the gRegistrations control.
protected gRegistrations_AddClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gRegistrations_Delete() protected method

Handles the Delete event of the gRegistrations control.
protected gRegistrations_Delete ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gRegistrations_GridRebind() protected method

Handles the GridRebind event of the gRegistrations control.
protected gRegistrations_GridRebind ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gRegistrations_RowDataBound() protected method

Handles the RowDataBound event of the gRegistrations control.
protected gRegistrations_RowDataBound ( object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gRegistrations_RowSelected() protected method

Handles the RowSelected event of the gRegistrations control.
protected gRegistrations_RowSelected ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gpGroupPlacementParentGroup_SelectItem() protected method

Handles the SelectItem event of the gpGroupPlacementParentGroup control.
protected gpGroupPlacementParentGroup_SelectItem ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

lbPlaceInGroup_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the lbPlaceInGroup control.
protected lbPlaceInGroup_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

lbTab_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the lbTab control.
protected lbTab_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

lbTemplate_Click() protected method

protected lbTemplate_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e System.EventArgs
return void