C# Class Recurity.Swf.Rgba

The RGBA record represents a color as 32-bit red, green, blue and alpha value. An RGBA

color with an alpha value of 255 is completely opaque. An RGBA color with an alpha value of

zero is completely transparent. Alpha values between zero and 255 are partially transparent.

Inheritance: Rgb
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_Alpha byte

Public Methods

Method Description
Parse ( Stream input ) : void

Parses this object out of a stream

Rgba ( byte InitialVersion ) : System

The RGBA record represents a color as 32-bit red, green, blue and alpha value.

ToString ( ) : string

Converts the value of this instance to a System.String.

Verify ( ) : bool

Verifies this object and its components for documentation compliance.

Write ( Stream output ) : void

Writes this object back to a stream.

Method Details

Parse() public method

Parses this object out of a stream
public Parse ( Stream input ) : void
input Stream The input stream.
return void

Rgba() public method

The RGBA record represents a color as 32-bit red, green, blue and alpha value.

public Rgba ( byte InitialVersion ) : System
InitialVersion byte The version of the swf file using this object
return System

ToString() public method

Converts the value of this instance to a System.String.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Verify() public method

Verifies this object and its components for documentation compliance.
public Verify ( ) : bool
return bool

Write() public method

Writes this object back to a stream.
public Write ( Stream output ) : void
output Stream The stream to write to.
return void

Property Details

_Alpha protected_oe property

protected byte _Alpha
return byte