C# Class QualityBotDaemon.Worker

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Public Methods

Method Description
DoCompare ( Job job ) : void
DoJob ( Job job ) : void
Poll ( ) : void

Does work until no work is found, and then it polls for more work every 10 seconds. Could multi-thread this, but it's just as trivial to load multiple instances.

Worker ( IService service, IJobsDb jobsDb ) : System

Method Details

DoCompare() public method

public DoCompare ( Job job ) : void
job Job
return void

DoJob() public method

public DoJob ( Job job ) : void
job Job
return void

Poll() public method

Does work until no work is found, and then it polls for more work every 10 seconds. Could multi-thread this, but it's just as trivial to load multiple instances.
public Poll ( ) : void
return void

Worker() public method

public Worker ( IService service, IJobsDb jobsDb ) : System
service IService
jobsDb IJobsDb
return System