C# Class PrimerDesigner.alignmentTests

显示文件 Open project: igemsoftware/BU_Wellesley_Software_2011 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
alignmentTests ( String primerSequence ) : System
calcDeltaG ( String s ) : Double

Calculates gibbs free energy for a processed string

generateHairpinArgs ( String possibilities ) : String[]

Generates the hairpin arguments to run through the command line. Must eliminate first and last possibilities

generateHairpinPossibilities ( ) : String[]

Generates hairpin possibilites based on the primer sequence. When processing with annealer.jar, first and last combos must be ommited because annealer.jar requires 2 string arguments and does not take " ";

hairpinRun ( ) : double

Runs the hairpin test via the command line.

heteroDimerRun ( String otherPrimer ) : double

Runs the heterodimer test.

selfDimerRun ( ) : double

Runs the Self-Dimer test via the command line.

worstCaseDeltaG ( ) : double

Returns most negative result alignment tests.

Private Methods

Method Description
run ( String input ) : void

Runs given arguments (this code provides the backbone for multiple tests) Puts limit on number of results. Allignment must be more than half.

Method Details

alignmentTests() public method

public alignmentTests ( String primerSequence ) : System
primerSequence String
return System

calcDeltaG() public static method

Calculates gibbs free energy for a processed string
public static calcDeltaG ( String s ) : Double
s String String whose delta G is being calculated
return Double

generateHairpinArgs() public method

Generates the hairpin arguments to run through the command line. Must eliminate first and last possibilities
public generateHairpinArgs ( String possibilities ) : String[]
possibilities String String array of possible hairpins
return String[]

generateHairpinPossibilities() public method

Generates hairpin possibilites based on the primer sequence. When processing with annealer.jar, first and last combos must be ommited because annealer.jar requires 2 string arguments and does not take " ";
public generateHairpinPossibilities ( ) : String[]
return String[]

hairpinRun() public method

Runs the hairpin test via the command line.
public hairpinRun ( ) : double
return double

heteroDimerRun() public method

Runs the heterodimer test.
public heteroDimerRun ( String otherPrimer ) : double
otherPrimer String
return double

selfDimerRun() public method

Runs the Self-Dimer test via the command line.
public selfDimerRun ( ) : double
return double

worstCaseDeltaG() public method

Returns most negative result alignment tests.
public worstCaseDeltaG ( ) : double
return double