C# Class PiroPiro.SpecFlow.Web.IStepsDefinitionsExt

显示文件 Open project: benjamine/PiroPiro

Public Methods

Method Description
Browser ( this stepsDef ) : Browser

context Browser instance

Context ( this stepsDef ) : TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioContext

Gets current scenario context

Page ( this stepsDef ) : Element

Returns the currently focused element on the Page (Element.Within) if exists, otherwise returns the Browser.

Method Details

Browser() public static method

context Browser instance
public static Browser ( this stepsDef ) : Browser
stepsDef this
return Browser

Context() public static method

Gets current scenario context
public static Context ( this stepsDef ) : TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioContext
stepsDef this
return TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioContext

Page() public static method

Returns the currently focused element on the Page (Element.Within) if exists, otherwise returns the Browser.
public static Page ( this stepsDef ) : Element
stepsDef this
return Element