C# Class OpenCvSharp.NativeMethods

显示文件 Open project: shimat/opencvsharp Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ErrorHandlerDefault CvErrorCallback
ErrorHandlerIgnorance CvErrorCallback
ErrorHandlerThrowException CvErrorCallback

Public Methods

Method Description
IsMono ( ) : bool

Returns whether the runtime is Mono or not

IsUnix ( ) : bool

Returns whether the OS is *nix or not

IsWindows ( ) : bool

Returns whether the OS is Windows or not

LoadLibraries ( IEnumerable additionalPaths = null ) : void

Load DLL files dynamically using Win32 LoadLibrary

Private Methods

Method Description
NativeMethods ( ) : System
TryPInvoke ( ) : void

Checks whether PInvoke functions can be called

calib3d_RQDecomp3x3_InputArray ( IntPtr src, IntPtr mtxR, IntPtr mtxQ, IntPtr qx, IntPtr qy, IntPtr qz, Vec3d &outVal ) : void
calib3d_RQDecomp3x3_Mat ( IntPtr src, IntPtr mtxR, IntPtr mtxQ, IntPtr qx, IntPtr qy, IntPtr qz, Vec3d &outVal ) : void
calib3d_Rodrigues ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, IntPtr jacobian ) : void
calib3d_Rodrigues_MatToVec ( IntPtr vector, IntPtr matrix, IntPtr jacobian ) : void
calib3d_Rodrigues_VecToMat ( IntPtr vector, IntPtr matrix, IntPtr jacobian ) : void
calib3d_calibrateCamera_InputArray ( IntPtr objectPoints, int objectPointsSize, IntPtr imagePoints, int imagePointsSize, Size imageSize, IntPtr cameraMatrix, IntPtr distCoeffs, IntPtr rvecs, IntPtr tvecs, int flags, OpenCvSharp.TermCriteria criteria ) : double
calib3d_calibrateCamera_vector ( IntPtr objectPoints, int opSize1, int opSize2, IntPtr imagePoints, int ipSize1, int ipSize2, Size imageSize, [ cameraMatrix, [ distCoeffs, int distCoeffsSize, IntPtr rvecs, IntPtr tvecs, int flags, OpenCvSharp.TermCriteria criteria ) : double
calib3d_calibrationMatrixValues_InputArray ( IntPtr cameraMatrix, Size imageSize, double apertureWidth, double apertureHeight, double &fovx, double &fovy, double &focalLength, Point2d &principalPoint, double &aspectRatio ) : void
calib3d_calibrationMatrixValues_array ( double cameraMatrix, Size imageSize, double apertureWidth, double apertureHeight, double &fovx, double &fovy, double &focalLength, Point2d &principalPoint, double &aspectRatio ) : void
calib3d_composeRT_InputArray ( IntPtr rvec1, IntPtr tvec1, IntPtr rvec2, IntPtr tvec2, IntPtr rvec3, IntPtr tvec3, IntPtr dr3dr1, IntPtr dr3dt1, IntPtr dr3dr2, IntPtr dr3dt2, IntPtr dt3dr1, IntPtr dt3dt1, IntPtr dt3dr2, IntPtr dt3dt2 ) : void
calib3d_composeRT_Mat ( IntPtr rvec1, IntPtr tvec1, IntPtr rvec2, IntPtr tvec2, IntPtr rvec3, IntPtr tvec3, IntPtr dr3dr1, IntPtr dr3dt1, IntPtr dr3dr2, IntPtr dr3dt2, IntPtr dt3dr1, IntPtr dt3dt1, IntPtr dt3dr2, IntPtr dt3dt2 ) : void
calib3d_computeCorrespondEpilines_InputArray ( IntPtr points, int whichImage, IntPtr F, IntPtr lines ) : void
calib3d_computeCorrespondEpilines_array2d ( [ points, int pointsSize, int whichImage, double F, [ lines ) : void
calib3d_computeCorrespondEpilines_array3d ( [ points, int pointsSize, int whichImage, double F, [ lines ) : void
calib3d_convertPointsFromHomogeneous_InputArray ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst ) : void
calib3d_convertPointsFromHomogeneous_array1 ( [ src, [ dst, int length ) : void
calib3d_convertPointsFromHomogeneous_array2 ( [ src, [ dst, int length ) : void
calib3d_convertPointsHomogeneous ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst ) : void
calib3d_convertPointsToHomogeneous_InputArray ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst ) : void
calib3d_convertPointsToHomogeneous_array1 ( [ src, [ dst, int length ) : void
calib3d_convertPointsToHomogeneous_array2 ( [ src, [ dst, int length ) : void
calib3d_correctMatches_InputArray ( IntPtr F, IntPtr points1, IntPtr points2, IntPtr newPoints1, IntPtr newPoints2 ) : void
calib3d_correctMatches_array ( double F, Point2d points1, int points1Size, Point2d points2, int points2Size, Point2d newPoints1, Point2d newPoints2 ) : void
calib3d_decomposeProjectionMatrix_InputArray ( IntPtr projMatrix, IntPtr cameraMatrix, IntPtr rotMatrix, IntPtr transVect, IntPtr rotMatrixX, IntPtr rotMatrixY, IntPtr rotMatrixZ, IntPtr eulerAngles ) : void
calib3d_decomposeProjectionMatrix_Mat ( IntPtr projMatrix, IntPtr cameraMatrix, IntPtr rotMatrix, IntPtr transVect, IntPtr rotMatrixX, IntPtr rotMatrixY, IntPtr rotMatrixZ, IntPtr eulerAngles ) : void
calib3d_drawChessboardCorners_InputArray ( IntPtr image, Size patternSize, IntPtr corners, int patternWasFound ) : void
calib3d_drawChessboardCorners_array ( IntPtr image, Size patternSize, Point2f corners, int cornersLength, int patternWasFound ) : void
calib3d_estimateAffine3D ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, IntPtr outVal, IntPtr inliers, double ransacThreshold, double confidence ) : int
calib3d_filterSpeckles ( IntPtr img, double newVal, int maxSpeckleSize, double maxDiff, IntPtr buf ) : void
calib3d_find4QuadCornerSubpix_InputArray ( IntPtr img, IntPtr corners, Size regionSize ) : int
calib3d_find4QuadCornerSubpix_vector ( IntPtr img, IntPtr corners, Size regionSize ) : int
calib3d_findChessboardCorners_InputArray ( IntPtr image, Size patternSize, IntPtr corners, int flags ) : int
calib3d_findChessboardCorners_vector ( IntPtr image, Size patternSize, IntPtr corners, int flags ) : int
calib3d_findCirclesGrid_InputArray ( IntPtr image, Size patternSize, IntPtr centers, int flags, IntPtr blobDetector ) : int
calib3d_findCirclesGrid_vector ( IntPtr image, Size patternSize, IntPtr centers, int flags, IntPtr blobDetector ) : int
calib3d_findFundamentalMat_InputArray ( IntPtr points1, IntPtr points2, int method, double param1, double param2, IntPtr mask ) : IntPtr
calib3d_findFundamentalMat_array ( Point2d points1, int points1Size, Point2d points2, int points2Size, int method, double param1, double param2, IntPtr mask ) : IntPtr
calib3d_findHomography_InputArray ( IntPtr srcPoints, IntPtr dstPoints, int method, double ransacReprojThreshold, IntPtr mask ) : IntPtr
calib3d_findHomography_vector ( Point2d srcPoints, int srcPointsLength, Point2d dstPoints, int dstPointsLength, int method, double ransacReprojThreshold, IntPtr mask ) : IntPtr
calib3d_getOptimalNewCameraMatrix_InputArray ( IntPtr cameraMatrix, IntPtr distCoeffs, Size imageSize, double alpha, Size newImgSize, Rect &validPixROI, int centerPrincipalPoint ) : IntPtr
calib3d_getOptimalNewCameraMatrix_array ( [ cameraMatrix, [ distCoeffs, int distCoeffsSize, Size imageSize, double alpha, Size newImgSize, Rect &validPixROI, int centerPrincipalPoint, [ outValues ) : void
calib3d_getValidDisparityROI ( Rect roi1, Rect roi2, int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities, int SADWindowSize ) : Rect
calib3d_initCameraMatrix2D_Mat ( IntPtr objectPoints, int objectPointsLength, IntPtr imagePoints, int imagePointsLength, Size imageSize, double aspectRatio ) : IntPtr
calib3d_initCameraMatrix2D_array ( IntPtr objectPoints, int opSize1, int opSize2, IntPtr imagePoints, int ipSize1, int ipSize2, Size imageSize, double aspectRatio ) : IntPtr
calib3d_matMulDeriv ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr dABdA, IntPtr dABdB ) : void
calib3d_projectPoints_InputArray ( IntPtr objectPoints, IntPtr rvec, IntPtr tvec, IntPtr cameraMatrix, IntPtr distCoeffs, IntPtr imagePoints, IntPtr jacobian, double aspectRatio ) : void
calib3d_projectPoints_Mat ( IntPtr objectPoints, IntPtr rvec, IntPtr tvec, IntPtr cameraMatrix, IntPtr distCoeffs, IntPtr imagePoints, IntPtr jacobian, double aspectRatio ) : void
calib3d_rectify3Collinear_InputArray ( IntPtr cameraMatrix1, IntPtr distCoeffs1, IntPtr cameraMatrix2, IntPtr distCoeffs2, IntPtr cameraMatrix3, IntPtr distCoeffs3, IntPtr imgpt1, int imgpt1Size, IntPtr imgpt3, int imgpt3Size, Size imageSize, IntPtr R12, IntPtr T12, IntPtr R13, IntPtr T13, IntPtr R1, IntPtr R2, IntPtr R3, IntPtr P1, IntPtr P2, IntPtr P3, IntPtr Q, double alpha, Size newImgSize, Rect &roi1, Rect &roi2, int flags ) : float
calib3d_reprojectImageTo3D ( IntPtr disparity, IntPtr _3dImage, IntPtr Q, int handleMissingValues, int ddepth ) : void
calib3d_solvePnPRansac_InputArray ( IntPtr objectPoints, IntPtr imagePoints, IntPtr cameraMatrix, IntPtr distCoeffs, IntPtr rvec, IntPtr tvec, int useExtrinsicGuess, int iterationsCount, float reprojectionError, double confidence, IntPtr inliers, int flags ) : void
calib3d_solvePnPRansac_vector ( Point3f objectPoints, int objectPointsLength, Point2f imagePoints, int imagePointsLength, double cameraMatrix, double distCoeffs, int distCoeffsLength, [ rvec, [ tvec, int useExtrinsicGuess, int iterationsCount, float reprojectionError, double confidence, IntPtr inliers, int flags ) : void
calib3d_solvePnP_InputArray ( IntPtr selfectPoints, IntPtr imagePoints, IntPtr cameraMatrix, IntPtr distCoeffs, IntPtr rvec, IntPtr tvec, int useExtrinsicGuess, int flags ) : void
calib3d_solvePnP_vector ( Point3f objectPoints, int objectPointsLength, Point2f imagePoints, int imagePointsLength, double cameraMatrix, double distCoeffs, int distCoeffsLength, [ rvec, [ tvec, int useExtrinsicGuess, int flags ) : void
calib3d_stereoCalibrate_InputArray ( IntPtr objectPoints, int opSize, IntPtr imagePoints1, int ip1Size, IntPtr imagePoints2, int ip2Size, IntPtr cameraMatrix1, IntPtr distCoeffs1, IntPtr cameraMatrix2, IntPtr distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, IntPtr R, IntPtr T, IntPtr E, IntPtr F, int flags, OpenCvSharp.TermCriteria criteria ) : double
calib3d_stereoCalibrate_array ( IntPtr objectPoints, int opSize1, int opSizes2, IntPtr imagePoints1, int ip1Size1, int ip1Sizes2, IntPtr imagePoints2, int ip2Size1, int ip2Sizes2, [ cameraMatrix1, [ distCoeffs1, int dc1Size, [ cameraMatrix2, [ distCoeffs2, int dc2Size, Size imageSize, IntPtr R, IntPtr T, IntPtr E, IntPtr F, int flags, OpenCvSharp.TermCriteria criteria ) : double
calib3d_stereoRectifyUncalibrated_InputArray ( IntPtr points1, IntPtr points2, IntPtr F, Size imgSize, IntPtr H1, IntPtr H2, double threshold ) : int
calib3d_stereoRectifyUncalibrated_array ( Point2d points1, int points1Size, Point2d points2, int points2Size, [ F, Size imgSize, [ H1, [ H2, double threshold ) : int
calib3d_stereoRectify_InputArray ( IntPtr cameraMatrix1, IntPtr distCoeffs1, IntPtr cameraMatrix2, IntPtr distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, IntPtr R, IntPtr T, IntPtr R1, IntPtr R2, IntPtr P1, IntPtr P2, IntPtr Q, int flags, double alpha, Size newImageSize, Rect &validPixROI1, Rect &validPixROI2 ) : void
calib3d_stereoRectify_array ( double cameraMatrix1, double distCoeffs1, int dc1Size, double cameraMatrix2, double distCoeffs2, int dc2Size, Size imageSize, double R, double T, double R1, double R2, double P1, double P2, double Q, int flags, double alpha, Size newImageSize, Rect &validPixROI1, Rect &validPixROI2 ) : void
calib3d_triangulatePoints_InputArray ( IntPtr projMatr1, IntPtr projMatr2, IntPtr projPoints1, IntPtr projPoints2, IntPtr points4D ) : void
calib3d_triangulatePoints_array ( [ projMatr1, [ projMatr2, [ projPoints1, int projPoints1Size, [ projPoints2, int projPoints2Size, [ points4D ) : void
calib3d_validateDisparity ( IntPtr disparity, IntPtr cost, int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities, int disp12MaxDisp ) : void
core_Algorithm_delete ( IntPtr self ) : void
core_Algorithm_name ( IntPtr self, [ buf, int bufLength ) : void
core_Algorithm_new ( ) : IntPtr
core_FileNode_delete ( IntPtr node ) : void
core_FileNode_empty ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_isInt ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_isMap ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_isNamed ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_isNone ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_isReal ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_isSeq ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_isString ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_name ( IntPtr obj, [ buf, int bufLength ) : void
core_FileNode_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
core_FileNode_new2 ( IntPtr fs, IntPtr node ) : IntPtr
core_FileNode_new3 ( IntPtr node ) : IntPtr
core_FileNode_operatorThis_byInt ( IntPtr obj, int i ) : IntPtr
core_FileNode_operatorThis_byString ( IntPtr obj, [ nodeName ) : IntPtr
core_FileNode_readObj ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_FileNode_readRaw ( IntPtr obj, [ fmt, IntPtr vec, IntPtr len ) : void
core_FileNode_read_Mat ( IntPtr node, IntPtr mat, IntPtr defaultMat ) : void
core_FileNode_read_SparseMat ( IntPtr node, IntPtr mat, IntPtr defaultMat ) : void
core_FileNode_read_String ( IntPtr node, [ value, int valueCapacity, [ defaultValue ) : void
core_FileNode_read_double ( IntPtr node, double &value, double defaultValue ) : void
core_FileNode_read_float ( IntPtr node, float &value, float defaultValue ) : void
core_FileNode_read_int ( IntPtr node, int &value, int defaultValue ) : void
core_FileNode_read_vectorOfDMatch ( IntPtr node, IntPtr matches ) : void
core_FileNode_read_vectorOfKeyPoint ( IntPtr node, IntPtr keypoints ) : void
core_FileNode_size ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_FileNode_toDouble ( IntPtr obj ) : double
core_FileNode_toFloat ( IntPtr obj ) : float
core_FileNode_toInt ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileNode_toMat ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr m ) : void
core_FileNode_toString ( IntPtr obj, StringBuilder buf, int bufLength ) : void
core_FileNode_type ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileStorage_delete ( IntPtr obj ) : void
core_FileStorage_elname ( IntPtr obj ) : sbyte*
core_FileStorage_getDefaultObjectName ( [ filename, [ buf, int bufLength ) : void
core_FileStorage_getFirstTopLevelNode ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_FileStorage_indexer ( IntPtr obj, [ nodeName ) : IntPtr
core_FileStorage_isOpened ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileStorage_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
core_FileStorage_new2 ( [ source, int flags, [ encoding ) : IntPtr
core_FileStorage_newFromLegacy ( IntPtr fs ) : IntPtr
core_FileStorage_open ( IntPtr obj, [ filename, int flags, [ encoding ) : int
core_FileStorage_release ( IntPtr obj ) : void
core_FileStorage_releaseAndGetString ( IntPtr obj, [ buf, int bufLength ) : void
core_FileStorage_root ( IntPtr obj, int streamIdx ) : IntPtr
core_FileStorage_state ( IntPtr obj ) : int
core_FileStorage_structs ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr &resultLength ) : IntPtr
core_FileStorage_toLegacy ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_FileStorage_writeObj ( IntPtr obj, [ name, IntPtr value ) : void
core_FileStorage_writeRaw ( IntPtr obj, [ fmt, IntPtr vec, IntPtr len ) : void
core_FileStorage_writeScalar_String ( IntPtr fs, [ value ) : void
core_FileStorage_writeScalar_double ( IntPtr fs, double value ) : void
core_FileStorage_writeScalar_float ( IntPtr fs, float value ) : void
core_FileStorage_writeScalar_int ( IntPtr fs, int value ) : void
core_FileStorage_write_Mat ( IntPtr fs, [ name, IntPtr value ) : void
core_FileStorage_write_SparseMat ( IntPtr fs, [ name, IntPtr value ) : void
core_FileStorage_write_String ( IntPtr fs, [ name, [ value ) : void
core_FileStorage_write_double ( IntPtr fs, [ name, double value ) : void
core_FileStorage_write_float ( IntPtr fs, [ name, float value ) : void
core_FileStorage_write_int ( IntPtr fs, [ name, int value ) : void
core_FileStorage_write_vectorOfDMatch ( IntPtr fs, [ name, IntPtr value ) : void
core_FileStorage_write_vectorOfKeyPoint ( IntPtr fs, [ name, IntPtr value ) : void
core_InputArray_delete ( IntPtr ia ) : void
core_InputArray_kind ( IntPtr ia ) : int
core_InputArray_new_byDouble ( double val ) : IntPtr
core_InputArray_new_byGpuMat ( IntPtr mat ) : IntPtr
core_InputArray_new_byMat ( IntPtr mat ) : IntPtr
core_InputArray_new_byMatExpr ( IntPtr mat ) : IntPtr
core_InputArray_new_byScalar ( Scalar val ) : IntPtr
core_InputArray_new_byVectorOfMat ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
core_LUT ( IntPtr src, IntPtr lut, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_Mahalanobis ( IntPtr v1, IntPtr v2, IntPtr icovar ) : double
core_Mat_CvMat ( IntPtr self, IntPtr outMat ) : void
core_Mat_IplImage ( IntPtr self, IntPtr outImage ) : void
core_Mat_IplImage_alignment ( IntPtr self, IntPtr &outImage ) : void
core_Mat_adjustROI ( IntPtr nativeObj, int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_assignTo1 ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m ) : void
core_Mat_assignTo2 ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m, int type ) : void
core_Mat_assignment_FromMat ( IntPtr self, IntPtr newMat ) : void
core_Mat_assignment_FromMatExpr ( IntPtr self, IntPtr newMatExpr ) : void
core_Mat_assignment_FromScalar ( IntPtr self, Scalar scalar ) : void
core_Mat_channels ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_checkVector1 ( IntPtr self, int elemChannels ) : int
core_Mat_checkVector2 ( IntPtr self, int elemChannels, int depth ) : int
core_Mat_checkVector3 ( IntPtr self, int elemChannels, int depth, int requireContinuous ) : int
core_Mat_clone ( IntPtr self ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_colRange_toMat ( IntPtr self, int startCol, int endCol ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_colRange_toMatExpr ( IntPtr self, int startCol, int endCol ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_col_toMat ( IntPtr self, int x ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_col_toMatExpr ( IntPtr self, int x ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_cols ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_convertTo ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m, int rtype, double alpha, double beta ) : void
core_Mat_copyTo ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_Mat_create ( IntPtr self, int ndims, [ sizes, int type ) : void
core_Mat_create ( IntPtr self, int rows, int cols, int type ) : void
core_Mat_cross ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_data ( IntPtr self ) : byte*
core_Mat_dataend ( IntPtr self ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_datalimit ( IntPtr self ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_datastart ( IntPtr self ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_delete ( IntPtr mat ) : void
core_Mat_depth ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_diag ( IntPtr self ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_diag ( IntPtr self, int d ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_dims ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_dot ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m ) : double
core_Mat_dump ( IntPtr self, [ format ) : sbyte*
core_Mat_dump_delete ( sbyte buf ) : void
core_Mat_elemSize ( IntPtr self ) : ulong
core_Mat_elemSize1 ( IntPtr self ) : ulong
core_Mat_empty ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_eye ( int rows, int cols, int type ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_forEach_Vec2b ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec2b proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec2d ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec2d proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec2f ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec2f proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec2i ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec2i proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec2s ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec2s proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec3b ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec3b proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec3d ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec3d proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec3f ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec3f proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec3i ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec3i proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec3s ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec3s proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec4b ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec4b proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec4d ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec4d proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec4f ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec4f proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec4i ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec4i proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec4s ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec4s proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec6b ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec6b proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec6d ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec6d proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec6f ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec6f proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec6i ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec6i proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_Vec6s ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionVec6s proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_double ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionDouble proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_float ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionFloat proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_int ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionInt32 proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_short ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionInt16 proc ) : void
core_Mat_forEach_uchar ( IntPtr m, MatForeachFunctionByte proc ) : void
core_Mat_inv1 ( IntPtr self ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_inv2 ( IntPtr self, int method ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_isContinuous ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_isSubmatrix ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_locateROI ( IntPtr self, Size &wholeSize, Point &ofs ) : void
core_Mat_mul1 ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_mul2 ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m, double scale ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_nGetB ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetD ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetF ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetI ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetPoint ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetPoint2d ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetPoint2f ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetPoint3d ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetPoint3f ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetPoint3i ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetRect ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetS ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetVec3b ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetVec3d ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetVec4f ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetVec4i ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nGetVec6f ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetB ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetD ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetF ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetI ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetPoint ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetPoint2d ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetPoint2f ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetPoint3d ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetPoint3f ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetPoint3i ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetRect ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetS ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetVec3b ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetVec3d ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetVec4f ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetVec4i ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_nSetVec6f ( IntPtr obj, int row, int col, [ vals, int valsLength ) : int
core_Mat_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new10 ( int ndims, [ sizes, int type ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new11 ( int ndims, [ sizes, int type, Scalar s ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new2 ( int rows, int cols, int type ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new3 ( int rows, int cols, int type, Scalar scalar ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new4 ( IntPtr mat, Range rowRange, Range colRange ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new5 ( IntPtr mat, Range rowRange ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new6 ( IntPtr mat, [ rowRange ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new7 ( IntPtr mat, Rect roi ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new8 ( int rows, int cols, int type, IntPtr data, IntPtr step ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new9 ( int ndims, [ sizes, int type, IntPtr data, IntPtr steps ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new9 ( int ndims, [ sizes, int type, IntPtr data, [ steps ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new_FromCvMat ( IntPtr mat, int copyData ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_new_FromIplImage ( IntPtr img, int copyData ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_ones1 ( int rows, int cols, int type ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_ones2 ( int ndims, [ sz, int type ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorAdd_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorAdd_MatScalar ( IntPtr a, Scalar s ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorAdd_ScalarMat ( Scalar s, IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorAnd_DoubleMat ( double s, IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorAnd_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double s ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorAnd_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorDivide_DoubleMat ( double s, IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorDivide_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double s ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorDivide_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorEQ_DoubleMat ( double a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorEQ_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorEQ_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorGE_DoubleMat ( double a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorGE_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorGE_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorGT_DoubleMat ( double a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorGT_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorGT_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorLE_DoubleMat ( double a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorLE_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorLE_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorLT_DoubleMat ( double a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorLT_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorLT_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorMinus_Mat ( IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorMultiply_DoubleMat ( double s, IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorMultiply_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double s ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorMultiply_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorNE_DoubleMat ( double a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorNE_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorNE_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorNot ( IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorOr_DoubleMat ( double s, IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorOr_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double s ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorOr_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorSubtract_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorSubtract_MatScalar ( IntPtr a, Scalar s ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorSubtract_ScalarMat ( Scalar s, IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorUnaryMinus ( IntPtr mat ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorXor_DoubleMat ( double s, IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorXor_MatDouble ( IntPtr a, double s ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_operatorXor_MatMat ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_pop_back ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr nelems ) : void
core_Mat_ptr1d ( IntPtr self, int i0 ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_ptr2d ( IntPtr self, int i0, int i1 ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_ptr3d ( IntPtr self, int i0, int i1, int i2 ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_ptrnd ( IntPtr self, [ idx ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_push_back_Mat ( IntPtr self, IntPtr m ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Point ( IntPtr self, Point v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Point2d ( IntPtr self, Point2d v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Point2f ( IntPtr self, Point2f v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Point3d ( IntPtr self, Point3d v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Point3f ( IntPtr self, Point3f v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Point3i ( IntPtr self, Point3i v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Rect ( IntPtr self, Rect v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Size ( IntPtr self, Size v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Size2f ( IntPtr self, Size2f v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec2b ( IntPtr self, Vec2b v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec2d ( IntPtr self, Vec2d v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec2f ( IntPtr self, Vec2f v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec2i ( IntPtr self, Vec2i v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec2s ( IntPtr self, Vec2s v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec2w ( IntPtr self, Vec2w v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec3b ( IntPtr self, Vec3b v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec3d ( IntPtr self, Vec3d v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec3f ( IntPtr self, Vec3f v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec3i ( IntPtr self, Vec3i v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec3s ( IntPtr self, Vec3s v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec3w ( IntPtr self, Vec3w v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec4b ( IntPtr self, Vec4b v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec4f ( IntPtr self, Vec4f v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec4i ( IntPtr self, Vec4i v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec4s ( IntPtr self, Vec4s v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec4w ( IntPtr self, Vec4w v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec6b ( IntPtr self, Vec6b v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec6d ( IntPtr self, Vec6d v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec6f ( IntPtr self, Vec6f v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec6i ( IntPtr self, Vec6i v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec6s ( IntPtr self, Vec6s v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_Vec6w ( IntPtr self, Vec6w v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_char ( IntPtr self, sbyte v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_double ( IntPtr self, double v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_float ( IntPtr self, float v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_int ( IntPtr self, int v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_short ( IntPtr self, short v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_uchar ( IntPtr self, byte v ) : void
core_Mat_push_back_ushort ( IntPtr self, ushort v ) : void
core_Mat_release ( IntPtr mat ) : void
core_Mat_reserve ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr sz ) : void
core_Mat_reshape1 ( IntPtr self, int cn ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_reshape2 ( IntPtr self, int cn, int rows ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_reshape3 ( IntPtr self, int cn, int newndims, [ newsz ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_resize1 ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr sz ) : void
core_Mat_resize2 ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr sz, Scalar s ) : void
core_Mat_rowRange_toMat ( IntPtr self, int startRow, int endRow ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_rowRange_toMatExpr ( IntPtr self, int startRow, int endRow ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_row_toMat ( IntPtr self, int y ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_row_toMatExpr ( IntPtr self, int y ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_rows ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_setTo_InputArray ( IntPtr self, IntPtr value, IntPtr mask ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_setTo_Scalar ( IntPtr self, Scalar value, IntPtr mask ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_size ( IntPtr self ) : Size
core_Mat_sizeAt ( IntPtr self, int i ) : int
core_Mat_sizeof ( ) : ulong
core_Mat_step ( IntPtr self ) : long
core_Mat_step1 ( IntPtr self ) : ulong
core_Mat_step1 ( IntPtr self, int i ) : ulong
core_Mat_stepAt ( IntPtr self, int i ) : ulong
core_Mat_subMat1 ( IntPtr self, int rowStart, int rowEnd, int colStart, int colEnd ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_subMat2 ( IntPtr self, int nRanges, Range ranges ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_t ( IntPtr self ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_total ( IntPtr self ) : ulong
core_Mat_type ( IntPtr self ) : int
core_Mat_zeros1 ( int rows, int cols, int type ) : IntPtr
core_Mat_zeros2 ( int ndims, [ sz, int type ) : IntPtr
core_OutputArray_delete ( IntPtr oa ) : void
core_OutputArray_getMat ( IntPtr oa ) : IntPtr
core_OutputArray_getScalar ( IntPtr oa ) : Scalar
core_OutputArray_getVectorOfMat ( IntPtr oa, IntPtr vector ) : void
core_OutputArray_new_byGpuMat ( IntPtr mat ) : IntPtr
core_OutputArray_new_byMat ( IntPtr mat ) : IntPtr
core_OutputArray_new_byScalar ( Scalar val ) : IntPtr
core_OutputArray_new_byVectorOfMat ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
core_PCABackProject ( IntPtr data, IntPtr mean, IntPtr eigenvectors, IntPtr result ) : void
core_PCACompute ( IntPtr data, IntPtr mean, IntPtr eigenvectors, int maxComponents ) : void
core_PCAComputeVar ( IntPtr data, IntPtr mean, IntPtr eigenvectors, double retainedVariance ) : void
core_PCAProject ( IntPtr data, IntPtr mean, IntPtr eigenvectors, IntPtr result ) : void
core_PCA_backProject ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr vec ) : IntPtr
core_PCA_backProject ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr vec, IntPtr result ) : void
core_PCA_computeVar ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr data, IntPtr mean, int flags, double retainedVariance ) : void
core_PCA_delete ( IntPtr obj ) : void
core_PCA_eigenvalues ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_PCA_eigenvectors ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_PCA_mean ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_PCA_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
core_PCA_new2 ( IntPtr data, IntPtr mean, int flags, int maxComponents ) : IntPtr
core_PCA_new3 ( IntPtr data, IntPtr mean, int flags, double retainedVariance ) : IntPtr
core_PCA_operatorThis ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr data, IntPtr mean, int flags, int maxComponents ) : void
core_PCA_project ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr vec ) : IntPtr
core_PCA_project ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr vec, IntPtr result ) : void
core_Ptr_Algorithm_delete ( IntPtr ptr ) : void
core_Ptr_Algorithm_get ( IntPtr ptr ) : IntPtr
core_Ptr_Algorithm_new ( IntPtr rawPtr ) : IntPtr
core_RNG_fill ( ulong &state, IntPtr mat, int distType, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, int saturateRange ) : void
core_RNG_gaussian ( ulong &state, double sigma ) : double
core_SVBackSubst ( IntPtr w, IntPtr u, IntPtr vt, IntPtr rhs, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_SVD_backSubst ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr rhs, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_SVD_delete ( IntPtr obj ) : void
core_SVD_new ( ) : IntPtr
core_SVD_new ( IntPtr src, int flags ) : IntPtr
core_SVD_operatorThis ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr src, int flags ) : void
core_SVD_static_backSubst ( IntPtr w, IntPtr u, IntPtr vt, IntPtr rhs, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_SVD_static_compute ( IntPtr src, IntPtr w, IntPtr u, IntPtr vt, int flags ) : void
core_SVD_static_compute ( IntPtr src, IntPtr w, int flags ) : void
core_SVD_static_solveZ ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_SVD_u ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_SVD_vt ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_SVD_w ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
core_SVDecomp ( IntPtr src, IntPtr w, IntPtr u, IntPtr vt, int flags ) : void
core_abs_Mat ( IntPtr e ) : IntPtr
core_absdiff ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_add ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, IntPtr mask, int dtype ) : void
core_addWeighted ( IntPtr src1, double alpha, IntPtr src2, double beta, double gamma, IntPtr dst, int dtype ) : void
core_batchDistance ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dist, int dtype, IntPtr nidx, int normType, int k, IntPtr mask, int update, int crosscheck ) : void
core_bitwise_and ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_bitwise_not ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_bitwise_or ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_bitwise_xor ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_calcCovarMatrix_InputArray ( IntPtr samples, IntPtr covar, IntPtr mean, int flags, int ctype ) : void
core_calcCovarMatrix_Mat ( [ samples, int nsamples, IntPtr covar, IntPtr mean, int flags, int ctype ) : void
core_cartToPolar ( IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr magnitude, IntPtr angle, int angleInDegrees ) : void
core_checkHardwareSupport ( int feature ) : int
core_checkRange ( IntPtr a, int quiet, Point &pos, double minVal, double maxVal ) : int
core_compare ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, int cmpop ) : void
core_completeSymm ( IntPtr mtx, int lowerToUpper ) : void
core_convertScaleAbs ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, double alpha, double beta ) : void
core_countNonZero ( IntPtr src ) : int
core_cubeRoot ( float val ) : float
core_cvarrToMat ( IntPtr arr, int copyData, int allowND, int coiMode ) : IntPtr
core_dct ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int flags ) : void
core_determinant ( IntPtr mtx ) : double
core_dft ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int flags, int nonzeroRows ) : void
core_divide ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, double scale, int dtype ) : void
core_divide ( double scale, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, int dtype ) : void
core_eigen ( IntPtr src, IntPtr eigenvalues, IntPtr eigenvectors ) : int
core_exp_Mat ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_extractChannel ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int coi ) : void
core_extractImageCOI ( IntPtr arr, IntPtr coiimg, int coi ) : void
core_fastAtan2 ( float y, float x ) : float
core_fastFree ( IntPtr ptr ) : void
core_fastMalloc ( IntPtr bufSize ) : IntPtr
core_findNonZero ( IntPtr src, IntPtr idx ) : void
core_flip ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int flipCode ) : void
core_gemm ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, double alpha, IntPtr src3, double gamma, IntPtr dst, int flags ) : void
core_getBuildInformation ( [ buf, int maxLength ) : void
core_getBuildInformation_length ( ) : int
core_getCPUTickCount ( ) : long
core_getNumThreads ( ) : int
core_getNumberOfCPUs ( ) : int
core_getOptimalDFTSize ( int vecsize ) : int
core_getThreadNum ( ) : int
core_getTickCount ( ) : long
core_getTickFrequency ( ) : double
core_hconcat ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_hconcat ( [ src, uint nsrc, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_idct ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int flags ) : void
core_idft ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int flags, int nonzeroRows ) : void
core_inRange ( IntPtr src, IntPtr lowerb, IntPtr upperb, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_inRange ( IntPtr src, Scalar lowerb, Scalar upperb, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_insertChannel ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int coi ) : void
core_insertImageCOI ( IntPtr coiimg, IntPtr arr, int coi ) : void
core_invert ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int flags ) : double
core_kmeans ( IntPtr data, int k, IntPtr bestLabels, TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags, IntPtr centers ) : double
core_log_Mat ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_magnitude_Mat ( IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr magnitude ) : void
core_max1 ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_max_MatDouble ( IntPtr src1, double src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_max_MatMat ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_mean ( IntPtr src, IntPtr mask ) : Scalar
core_meanStdDev_OutputArray ( IntPtr src, IntPtr mean, IntPtr stddev, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_meanStdDev_Scalar ( IntPtr src, Scalar &mean, Scalar &stddev, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_merge ( [ mv, uint count, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_min1 ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_minMaxIdx ( IntPtr src, double &minVal, double &maxVal ) : void
core_minMaxIdx ( IntPtr src, double &minVal, double &maxVal, int &minIdx, int &maxIdx, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_minMaxLoc ( IntPtr src, double &minVal, double &maxVal ) : void
core_minMaxLoc ( IntPtr src, double &minVal, double &maxVal, Point &minLoc, Point &maxLoc, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_min_MatDouble ( IntPtr src1, double src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_min_MatMat ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_mixChannels ( IntPtr src, uint nsrcs, IntPtr dst, uint ndsts, int fromTo, uint npairs ) : void
core_mulSpectrums ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr c, int flags, int conjB ) : void
core_mulTransposed ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int aTa, IntPtr delta, double scale, int dtype ) : void
core_multiply ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, double scale, int dtype ) : void
core_norm ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, int normType, IntPtr mask ) : double
core_norm ( IntPtr src1, int normType, IntPtr mask ) : double
core_normalize ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, double alpha, double beta, int normType, int dtype, IntPtr mask ) : void
core_patchNaNs ( IntPtr a, double val ) : void
core_perspectiveTransform ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, IntPtr m ) : void
core_perspectiveTransform_Mat ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, IntPtr m ) : void
core_perspectiveTransform_Point2d ( IntPtr src, int srcLength, IntPtr dst, int dstLength, IntPtr m ) : void
core_perspectiveTransform_Point2f ( IntPtr src, int srcLength, IntPtr dst, int dstLength, IntPtr m ) : void
core_perspectiveTransform_Point3d ( IntPtr src, int srcLength, IntPtr dst, int dstLength, IntPtr m ) : void
core_perspectiveTransform_Point3f ( IntPtr src, int srcLength, IntPtr dst, int dstLength, IntPtr m ) : void
core_phase ( IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr angle, int angleInDegrees ) : void
core_polarToCart ( IntPtr magnitude, IntPtr angle, IntPtr x, IntPtr y, int angleInDegrees ) : void
core_pow_Mat ( IntPtr src, double power, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_randShuffle ( IntPtr dst, double iterFactor, IntPtr rng ) : void
core_randShuffle ( IntPtr dst, double iterFactor, ulong &rng ) : void
core_randn_InputArray ( IntPtr dst, IntPtr mean, IntPtr stddev ) : void
core_randn_Scalar ( IntPtr dst, Scalar mean, Scalar stddev ) : void
core_randu_InputArray ( IntPtr dst, IntPtr low, IntPtr high ) : void
core_randu_Scalar ( IntPtr dst, Scalar low, Scalar high ) : void
core_reduce ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int dim, int rtype, int dtype ) : void
core_repeat ( IntPtr src, int ny, int nx ) : IntPtr
core_repeat ( IntPtr src, int ny, int nx, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_scaleAdd ( IntPtr src1, double alpha, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_setIdentity ( IntPtr mtx, Scalar s ) : void
core_setNumThreads ( int nthreads ) : void
core_setUseOptimized ( int onoff ) : void
core_solve ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, int flags ) : int
core_solveCubic ( IntPtr coeffs, IntPtr roots ) : int
core_solvePoly ( IntPtr coeffs, IntPtr roots, int maxIters ) : double
core_sort ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int flags ) : void
core_sortIdx ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, int flags ) : void
core_split ( IntPtr src, IntPtr &mv ) : void
core_sqrt ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_subtract ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst, IntPtr mask, int dtype ) : void
core_sum ( IntPtr src ) : Scalar
core_theRNG ( ) : ulong
core_trace ( IntPtr mtx ) : Scalar
core_transform ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, IntPtr m ) : void
core_transpose ( IntPtr src, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_useOptimized ( ) : int
core_vconcat ( IntPtr src1, IntPtr src2, IntPtr dst ) : void
core_vconcat ( [ src, uint nsrc, IntPtr dst ) : void
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_compute11 ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr image, IntPtr keypoints, IntPtr imgDescriptor, IntPtr pointIdxsOfClusters, IntPtr descriptors ) : void
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_compute12 ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr keypointDescriptors, IntPtr imgDescriptor, IntPtr pointIdxsOfClusters ) : void
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_compute2 ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr image, IntPtr keypoints, IntPtr imgDescriptor ) : void
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_delete ( IntPtr obj ) : void
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_descriptorSize ( IntPtr obj ) : int
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_descriptorType ( IntPtr obj ) : int
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_getVocabulary ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_new1 ( IntPtr dextractor, IntPtr dmatcher ) : IntPtr
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_new2 ( IntPtr dmatcher ) : IntPtr
features2d_BOWImgDescriptorExtractor_setVocabulary ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr vocabulary ) : void
features2d_BOWKMeansTrainer_cluster1 ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
features2d_BOWKMeansTrainer_cluster2 ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr descriptors ) : IntPtr
features2d_BOWKMeansTrainer_delete ( IntPtr obj ) : void
features2d_BOWKMeansTrainer_new ( int clusterCount, TermCriteria termcrit, int attempts, int flags ) : IntPtr
features2d_BOWTrainer_add ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr descriptors ) : void
features2d_BOWTrainer_clear ( IntPtr obj ) : void
features2d_BOWTrainer_descriptorsCount ( IntPtr obj ) : int
features2d_BOWTrainer_getDescriptors ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr descriptors ) : void
imgproc_LineSegmentDetector_compareSegments ( IntPtr obj, Size size, IntPtr lines1, IntPtr lines2, IntPtr image ) : int
imgproc_LineSegmentDetector_detect_OutputArray ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr image, IntPtr lines, IntPtr width, IntPtr prec, IntPtr nfa ) : void
imgproc_LineSegmentDetector_detect_vector ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr image, IntPtr lines, IntPtr width, IntPtr prec, IntPtr nfa ) : void
imgproc_LineSegmentDetector_drawSegments ( IntPtr obj, IntPtr image, IntPtr lines ) : void
imgproc_Ptr_LineSegmentDetector_delete ( IntPtr obj ) : void
imgproc_Ptr_LineSegmentDetector_get ( IntPtr obj ) : IntPtr
imgproc_createLineSegmentDetector ( int refine, double scale, double sigma_scale, double quant, double ang_th, double log_eps, double density_th, int n_bins ) : IntPtr
redirectError ( CvErrorCallback errCallback, IntPtr userdata, IntPtr &prevUserdata ) : IntPtr
vector_DMatch_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_DMatch_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_DMatch_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_DMatch_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_DMatch_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_DMatch_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Node_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_DTrees_Node_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Node_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Node_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Node_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Node_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Split_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_DTrees_Split_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Split_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Split_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Split_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_DTrees_Split_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_KeyPoint_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_KeyPoint_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_KeyPoint_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_KeyPoint_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_KeyPoint_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_KeyPoint_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Mat_addref ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Mat_assignToArray ( IntPtr vector, [ arr ) : void
vector_Mat_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Mat_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Mat_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Mat_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Mat_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Mat_new3 ( IntPtr data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2f_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Point2f_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2f_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2f_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2f_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2f_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2i_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Point2i_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2i_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2i_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2i_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Point2i_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Point3f_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Point3f_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Point3f_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Point3f_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Point3f_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Point3f_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Rect_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Rect_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Rect_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Rect_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Rect_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Rect_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec2f_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Vec2f_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec2f_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec2f_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec2f_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec2f_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec3f_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Vec3f_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec3f_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec3f_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec3f_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec3f_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4f_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Vec4f_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4f_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4f_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4f_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4f_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4i_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Vec4i_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4i_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4i_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4i_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec4i_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6d_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Vec6d_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6d_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6d_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6d_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6d_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6f_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_Vec6f_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6f_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6f_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6f_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_Vec6f_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_double_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_double_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_double_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_double_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_double_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_double_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_float_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_float_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_float_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_float_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_float_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_float_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_int32_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_int32_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_int32_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_int32_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_int32_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_int32_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_string_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_string_elemAt ( IntPtr vector, int i ) : sbyte*
vector_string_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_string_getSize ( IntPtr vec ) : IntPtr
vector_string_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_string_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_uchar_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_uchar_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_uchar_getSize ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_uchar_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_uchar_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_uchar_new3 ( [ data, IntPtr dataLength ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_DMatch_copy ( IntPtr vec, IntPtr dst ) : void
vector_vector_DMatch_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_vector_DMatch_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_DMatch_getSize1 ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_DMatch_getSize2 ( IntPtr vector, [ size ) : void
vector_vector_DMatch_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_DMatch_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_KeyPoint_copy ( IntPtr vec, IntPtr dst ) : void
vector_vector_KeyPoint_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_vector_KeyPoint_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_KeyPoint_getSize1 ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_KeyPoint_getSize2 ( IntPtr vector, [ size ) : void
vector_vector_KeyPoint_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_KeyPoint_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_KeyPoint_new3 ( IntPtr values, int size1, int size2 ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_Point2f_copy ( IntPtr vec, IntPtr dst ) : void
vector_vector_Point2f_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_vector_Point2f_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_Point2f_getSize1 ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_Point2f_getSize2 ( IntPtr vector, [ size ) : void
vector_vector_Point2f_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_Point2f_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_Point_copy ( IntPtr vec, IntPtr dst ) : void
vector_vector_Point_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_vector_Point_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_Point_getSize1 ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_Point_getSize2 ( IntPtr vector, [ size ) : void
vector_vector_Point_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_Point_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_double_copy ( IntPtr vec, IntPtr dst ) : void
vector_vector_double_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_vector_double_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_double_getSize1 ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_double_getSize2 ( IntPtr vector, [ size ) : void
vector_vector_double_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_double_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_float_copy ( IntPtr vec, IntPtr dst ) : void
vector_vector_float_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_vector_float_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_float_getSize1 ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_float_getSize2 ( IntPtr vector, [ size ) : void
vector_vector_float_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_float_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_int_copy ( IntPtr vec, IntPtr dst ) : void
vector_vector_int_delete ( IntPtr vector ) : void
vector_vector_int_getPointer ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_int_getSize1 ( IntPtr vector ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_int_getSize2 ( IntPtr vector, [ size ) : void
vector_vector_int_new1 ( ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_int_new2 ( IntPtr size ) : IntPtr
vector_vector_uchar_copy ( IntPtr vector, IntPtr dst ) : void

Method Details

IsMono() public static method

Returns whether the runtime is Mono or not
public static IsMono ( ) : bool
return bool

IsUnix() public static method

Returns whether the OS is *nix or not
public static IsUnix ( ) : bool
return bool

IsWindows() public static method

Returns whether the OS is Windows or not
public static IsWindows ( ) : bool
return bool

LoadLibraries() public static method

Load DLL files dynamically using Win32 LoadLibrary
public static LoadLibraries ( IEnumerable additionalPaths = null ) : void
additionalPaths IEnumerable
return void

Property Details

ErrorHandlerDefault public_oe static_oe property

Default error handler
public static CvErrorCallback ErrorHandlerDefault
return CvErrorCallback

ErrorHandlerIgnorance public_oe static_oe property

Custom error handler to ignore all OpenCV errors
public static CvErrorCallback ErrorHandlerIgnorance
return CvErrorCallback

ErrorHandlerThrowException public_oe static_oe property

Custom error handler to be thrown by OpenCV
public static CvErrorCallback ErrorHandlerThrowException
return CvErrorCallback