C# Class OKHOSTING.UI.Net4.WPF.Controls.Layout.RelativePanel

显示文件 Open project: okhosting/OKHOSTING.UI

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AboveProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignBottomWithPanelProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignBottomWithProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignHorizontalCenterWithPanelProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignHorizontalCenterWithProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignLeftWithPanelProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignLeftWithProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignRightWithPanelProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignRightWithProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignTopWithPanelProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignTopWithProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignVerticalCenterWithPanelProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
AlignVerticalCenterWithProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
BelowProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
LeftOfProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
RightOfProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAbove ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignBottomWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignBottomWith XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignBottomWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignBottomWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignHorizontalCenterWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignHorizontalCenterWith XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignLeftWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignLeftWith XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignLeftWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignLeftWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignRightWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignRightWith XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignRightWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignRightWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignTopWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignTopWith XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignTopWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignTopWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignVerticalCenterWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWith XAML attached property for the target element.

GetAlignVerticalCenterWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.

GetBelow ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.Below XAML attached property for the target element.

GetLeftOf ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.LeftOf XAML attached property for the target element.

GetRightOf ( DependencyObject obj ) : object

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.RightOf XAML attached property for the target element.

SetAbove ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignBottomWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignBottomWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignHorizontalCenterWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignLeftWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignLeftWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignRightWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignRightWith XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignRightWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignTopWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignTopWith XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignTopWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignTopWithPanel XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignVerticalCenterWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWith XAML attached property for a target element.

SetAlignVerticalCenterWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWithPanel XAML attached property for a target element.

SetBelow ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.

SetLeftOf ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.LeftOf XAML attached property for a target element.

SetRightOf ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.RightOf XAML attached property for a target element.

Private Methods

Method Description
OnAlignPropertiesChanged ( DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

GetAbove() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAbove ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetAlignBottomWith() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignBottomWith XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignBottomWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetAlignBottomWithPanel() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignBottomWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignBottomWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return bool

GetAlignHorizontalCenterWith() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignHorizontalCenterWith XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignHorizontalCenterWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetAlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return bool

GetAlignLeftWith() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignLeftWith XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignLeftWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetAlignLeftWithPanel() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignLeftWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignLeftWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return bool

GetAlignRightWith() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignRightWith XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignRightWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetAlignRightWithPanel() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignRightWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignRightWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return bool

GetAlignTopWith() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignTopWith XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignTopWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetAlignTopWithPanel() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignTopWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignTopWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return bool

GetAlignVerticalCenterWith() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWith XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignVerticalCenterWith ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetAlignVerticalCenterWithPanel() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWithPanel XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetAlignVerticalCenterWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return bool

GetBelow() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.Below XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetBelow ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetLeftOf() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.LeftOf XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetLeftOf ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

GetRightOf() public static method

Gets the value of the RelativePanel.RightOf XAML attached property for the target element.
public static GetRightOf ( DependencyObject obj ) : object
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object from which the property value is read.
return object

SetAbove() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAbove ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to position this element above.)
return void

SetAlignBottomWith() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignBottomWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to align this element's bottom edge with.)
return void

SetAlignBottomWithPanel() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignBottomWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value bool /// The value to set. (true to align this element's bottom edge with the panel's /// bottom edge; otherwise, false.) ///
return void

SetAlignHorizontalCenterWith() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignHorizontalCenterWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to align this element's horizontal center with.)
return void

SetAlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value bool /// The value to set. (true to horizontally center this element in the panel; otherwise, /// false.) ///
return void

SetAlignLeftWith() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignLeftWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to align this element's left edge with.)
return void

SetAlignLeftWithPanel() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignLeftWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value bool /// The value to set. (true to align this element's left edge with the panel's left /// edge; otherwise, false.) ///
return void

SetAlignRightWith() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignRightWith XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignRightWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to align this element's right edge with.)
return void

SetAlignRightWithPanel() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignRightWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value bool /// The value to set. (true to align this element's right edge with the panel's right /// edge; otherwise, false.) ///
return void

SetAlignTopWith() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignTopWith XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignTopWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to align this element's top edge with.)
return void

SetAlignTopWithPanel() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignTopWithPanel XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignTopWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value bool /// The value to set. (true to align this element's top edge with the panel's top /// edge; otherwise, false.) ///
return void

SetAlignVerticalCenterWith() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWith XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignVerticalCenterWith ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to align this element's horizontal center with.)
return void

SetAlignVerticalCenterWithPanel() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWithPanel XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetAlignVerticalCenterWithPanel ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value bool /// The value to set. (true to vertically center this element in the panel; otherwise, /// false.) ///
return void

SetBelow() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetBelow ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to position this element below.)
return void

SetLeftOf() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.LeftOf XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetLeftOf ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to position this element to the left of.)
return void

SetRightOf() public static method

Sets the value of the RelativePanel.RightOf XAML attached property for a target element.
public static SetRightOf ( DependencyObject obj, object value ) : void
obj System.Windows.DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written.
value object The value to set. (The element to position this element to the right of.)
return void

Property Details

AboveProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.Above XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AboveProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignBottomWithPanelProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignBottomWithPanel XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignBottomWithPanelProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignBottomWithProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignBottomWith XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignBottomWithProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignHorizontalCenterWithPanelProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignHorizontalCenterWithPanelProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignHorizontalCenterWithProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignHorizontalCenterWith XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignHorizontalCenterWithProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignLeftWithPanelProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignLeftWithPanel XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignLeftWithPanelProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignLeftWithProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignLeftWith XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignLeftWithProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignRightWithPanelProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignRightWithPanel XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignRightWithPanelProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignRightWithProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignRightWith XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignRightWithProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignTopWithPanelProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignTopWithPanel XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignTopWithPanelProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignTopWithProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignTopWith XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignTopWithProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignVerticalCenterWithPanelProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWithPanel XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignVerticalCenterWithPanelProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

AlignVerticalCenterWithProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.AlignVerticalCenterWith XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows AlignVerticalCenterWithProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

BelowProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.Below XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows BelowProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

LeftOfProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.LeftOf XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows LeftOfProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

RightOfProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the RelativePanel.RightOf XAML attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows RightOfProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty