C# Class Nez.UI.Element

Inheritance: ILayout
显示文件 Open project: prime31/Nez Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_debug bool
_layoutEnabled bool
_needsLayout bool
_visible bool
originX float
rotation float
scaleX float
stage Stage
touchable Touchable

Public Methods

Method Description
clipBegin ( Batcher batcher ) : bool

Calls clipBegin(Batcher, float, float, float, float) to clip this actor's bounds

clipBegin ( Batcher batcher, float x, float y, float width, float height ) : bool

Clips the specified screen aligned rectangle, specified relative to the transform matrix of the stage's Batch. The transform matrix and the stage's camera must not have rotational components. Calling this method must be followed by a call to clipEnd() if true is returned.

clipEnd ( Batcher batcher ) : void

Ends clipping begun by clipBegin(Batcher, float, float, float, float)

debugRender ( Graphics graphics ) : void

Draws this element's debug lines

draw ( Graphics graphics, float parentAlpha ) : void

If this method is overridden, the super method or {@link #validate()} should be called to ensure the widget is laid out.

getBottom ( ) : float

Returns y plus height

getColor ( ) : Color

Returns the color the element will be tinted when drawn

getDebug ( ) : bool
getHeight ( ) : float
getOriginX ( ) : float
getOriginY ( ) : float
getParent ( ) : Group

Returns the parent element, or null if not in a group

getRight ( ) : float

Returns x plus width

getRotation ( ) : float
getScaleX ( ) : float
getScaleY ( ) : float
getStage ( ) : Stage

Returns the stage that this element is currently in, or null if not in a stage.

getTouchable ( ) : Touchable
getWidth ( ) : float
getX ( ) : float

Returns the X position of the element's left edge

getX ( int alignment ) : float

Returns the X position of the specified {@link Align alignment}.

getY ( ) : float

Returns the Y position of the element's bottom edge

getY ( int alignment ) : float

Returns the Y position of the specified {@link Align alignment}

hasParent ( ) : bool

Returns true if the element's parent is not null

hit ( Vector2 point ) : Element
invalidate ( ) : void
invalidateHierarchy ( ) : void
isTouchable ( ) : bool

Returns true if input events are processed by this element.

isVisible ( ) : bool
layout ( ) : void
localToAscendantCoordinates ( Element ascendant, Vector2 localCoords ) : Vector2

Converts coordinates for this element to those of a parent element. The ascendant does not need to be a direct parent

localToParentCoordinates ( Vector2 localCoords ) : Vector2

Transforms the specified point in the element's coordinates to be in the parent's coordinates.

localToStageCoordinates ( Vector2 localCoords ) : Vector2

Transforms the specified point in the element's coordinates to be in the stage's coordinates

moveBy ( float x, float y ) : void

Add x and y to current position

pack ( ) : void
parentToLocalCoordinates ( Vector2 parentCoords ) : Vector2

Converts the coordinates given in the parent's coordinate system to this element's coordinate system.

remove ( ) : bool

Removes this element from its parent, if it has a parent

rotateBy ( float amountInDegrees ) : void

Adds the specified rotation to the current rotation

scaleBy ( float scale ) : void

Adds the specified scale to the current scale

scaleBy ( float scaleX, float scaleY ) : void

Adds the specified scale to the current scale

screenToLocalCoordinates ( Vector2 screenCoords ) : Vector2

Transforms the specified point in screen coordinates to the element's local coordinate system

setBounds ( float x, float y, float width, float height ) : void

Sets the x, y, width, and height.

setColor ( Color color ) : void
setDebug ( bool enabled ) : void

If true, {@link #debugDraw} will be called for this element

setHeight ( float height ) : void
setIsVisible ( bool visible ) : void
setOrigin ( float originX, float originY ) : void

Sets the origin position which is relative to the element's bottom left corner

setOrigin ( int alignment ) : void

Sets the origin position to the specified {@link Align alignment}.

setOriginX ( float originX ) : void
setOriginY ( float originY ) : void
setPosition ( float x, float y ) : Element

Sets the position of the element's bottom left corner

setPosition ( float x, float y, int alignment ) : void

Sets the position using the specified {@link Align alignment}. Note this may set the position to non-integer coordinates

setRotation ( float degrees ) : void
setScale ( float scaleXY ) : void

Sets the scale for both X and Y

setScale ( float scaleX, float scaleY ) : void

Sets the scale X and scale Y

setScaleX ( float scaleX ) : void
setScaleY ( float scaleY ) : void
setSize ( float width, float height ) : void
setTouchable ( Touchable touchable ) : void

Determines how touch events are distributed to this element. Default is {@link Touchable#enabled}.

setVisible ( bool visible ) : void

If false, the element will not be drawn and will not receive touch events. Default is true.

setWidth ( float width ) : void
setX ( float x ) : Element
setY ( float y ) : Element
setZIndex ( int index ) : void

Sets the z-index of this element. The z-index is the index into the parent's {@link Group#getChildren() children}, where a lower index is below a higher index. Setting a z-index higher than the number of children will move the child to the front. Setting a z-index less than zero is invalid.

stageToLocalCoordinates ( Vector2 stageCoords ) : Vector2

Transforms the specified point in the stage's coordinates to the element's local coordinate system.

toBack ( ) : void

Changes the z-order for this element so it is in back of all siblings

toFront ( ) : void

Changes the z-order for this element so it is in front of all siblings

validate ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
distanceOutsideBoundsToPoint ( Vector2 point ) : float

returns the distance from point to the bounds of element in the largest dimension or a negative number if the point is inside the bounds. Note that point should be in the element's coordinate system already.

positionChanged ( ) : void
rotationChanged ( ) : void
sizeChanged ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
areParentsVisible ( ) : bool

returns true if this Element and all parent Elements are visible

setParent ( Group parent ) : void

Called by the framework when an element is added to or removed from a group.

setStage ( Stage stage ) : void

Called by the framework when this element or any parent is added to a group that is in the stage. stage May be null if the element or any parent is no longer in a stage

Method Details

clipBegin() public method

Calls clipBegin(Batcher, float, float, float, float) to clip this actor's bounds
public clipBegin ( Batcher batcher ) : bool
batcher Batcher
return bool

clipBegin() public method

Clips the specified screen aligned rectangle, specified relative to the transform matrix of the stage's Batch. The transform matrix and the stage's camera must not have rotational components. Calling this method must be followed by a call to clipEnd() if true is returned.
public clipBegin ( Batcher batcher, float x, float y, float width, float height ) : bool
batcher Batcher
x float
y float
width float
height float
return bool

clipEnd() public method

Ends clipping begun by clipBegin(Batcher, float, float, float, float)
public clipEnd ( Batcher batcher ) : void
batcher Batcher
return void

debugRender() public method

Draws this element's debug lines
public debugRender ( Graphics graphics ) : void
graphics Graphics Graphics.
return void

distanceOutsideBoundsToPoint() protected method

returns the distance from point to the bounds of element in the largest dimension or a negative number if the point is inside the bounds. Note that point should be in the element's coordinate system already.
protected distanceOutsideBoundsToPoint ( Vector2 point ) : float
point Vector2
return float

draw() public method

If this method is overridden, the super method or {@link #validate()} should be called to ensure the widget is laid out.
public draw ( Graphics graphics, float parentAlpha ) : void
graphics Graphics Graphics.
parentAlpha float Parent alpha.
return void

getBottom() public method

Returns y plus height
public getBottom ( ) : float
return float

getColor() public method

Returns the color the element will be tinted when drawn
public getColor ( ) : Color
return Color

getDebug() public method

public getDebug ( ) : bool
return bool

getHeight() public method

public getHeight ( ) : float
return float

getOriginX() public method

public getOriginX ( ) : float
return float

getOriginY() public method

public getOriginY ( ) : float
return float

getParent() public method

Returns the parent element, or null if not in a group
public getParent ( ) : Group
return Group

getRight() public method

Returns x plus width
public getRight ( ) : float
return float

getRotation() public method

public getRotation ( ) : float
return float

getScaleX() public method

public getScaleX ( ) : float
return float

getScaleY() public method

public getScaleY ( ) : float
return float

getStage() public method

Returns the stage that this element is currently in, or null if not in a stage.
public getStage ( ) : Stage
return Stage

getTouchable() public method

public getTouchable ( ) : Touchable
return Touchable

getWidth() public method

public getWidth ( ) : float
return float

getX() public method

Returns the X position of the element's left edge
public getX ( ) : float
return float

getX() public method

Returns the X position of the specified {@link Align alignment}.
public getX ( int alignment ) : float
alignment int Alignment.
return float

getY() public method

Returns the Y position of the element's bottom edge
public getY ( ) : float
return float

getY() public method

Returns the Y position of the specified {@link Align alignment}
public getY ( int alignment ) : float
alignment int Alignment.
return float

hasParent() public method

Returns true if the element's parent is not null
public hasParent ( ) : bool
return bool

hit() public method

public hit ( Vector2 point ) : Element
point Vector2
return Element

invalidate() public method

public invalidate ( ) : void
return void

invalidateHierarchy() public method

public invalidateHierarchy ( ) : void
return void

isTouchable() public method

Returns true if input events are processed by this element.
public isTouchable ( ) : bool
return bool

isVisible() public method

public isVisible ( ) : bool
return bool

layout() public method

public layout ( ) : void
return void

localToAscendantCoordinates() public method

Converts coordinates for this element to those of a parent element. The ascendant does not need to be a direct parent
public localToAscendantCoordinates ( Element ascendant, Vector2 localCoords ) : Vector2
ascendant Element Ascendant.
localCoords Vector2 Local coords.
return Vector2

localToParentCoordinates() public method

Transforms the specified point in the element's coordinates to be in the parent's coordinates.
public localToParentCoordinates ( Vector2 localCoords ) : Vector2
localCoords Vector2 Local coords.
return Vector2

localToStageCoordinates() public method

Transforms the specified point in the element's coordinates to be in the stage's coordinates
public localToStageCoordinates ( Vector2 localCoords ) : Vector2
localCoords Vector2 Local coords.
return Vector2

moveBy() public method

Add x and y to current position
public moveBy ( float x, float y ) : void
x float The x coordinate.
y float The y coordinate.
return void

pack() public method

public pack ( ) : void
return void

parentToLocalCoordinates() public method

Converts the coordinates given in the parent's coordinate system to this element's coordinate system.
public parentToLocalCoordinates ( Vector2 parentCoords ) : Vector2
parentCoords Vector2 Parent coords.
return Vector2

positionChanged() protected method

protected positionChanged ( ) : void
return void

remove() public method

Removes this element from its parent, if it has a parent
public remove ( ) : bool
return bool

rotateBy() public method

Adds the specified rotation to the current rotation
public rotateBy ( float amountInDegrees ) : void
amountInDegrees float Amount in degrees.
return void

rotationChanged() protected method

protected rotationChanged ( ) : void
return void

scaleBy() public method

Adds the specified scale to the current scale
public scaleBy ( float scale ) : void
scale float Scale.
return void

scaleBy() public method

Adds the specified scale to the current scale
public scaleBy ( float scaleX, float scaleY ) : void
scaleX float Scale x.
scaleY float Scale y.
return void

screenToLocalCoordinates() public method

Transforms the specified point in screen coordinates to the element's local coordinate system
public screenToLocalCoordinates ( Vector2 screenCoords ) : Vector2
screenCoords Vector2 Screen coords.
return Vector2

setBounds() public method

Sets the x, y, width, and height.
public setBounds ( float x, float y, float width, float height ) : void
x float The x coordinate.
y float The y coordinate.
width float Width.
height float Height.
return void

setColor() public method

public setColor ( Color color ) : void
color Color
return void

setDebug() public method

If true, {@link #debugDraw} will be called for this element
public setDebug ( bool enabled ) : void
enabled bool Enabled.
return void

setHeight() public method

public setHeight ( float height ) : void
height float
return void

setIsVisible() public method

public setIsVisible ( bool visible ) : void
visible bool
return void

setOrigin() public method

Sets the origin position which is relative to the element's bottom left corner
public setOrigin ( float originX, float originY ) : void
originX float Origin x.
originY float Origin y.
return void

setOrigin() public method

Sets the origin position to the specified {@link Align alignment}.
public setOrigin ( int alignment ) : void
alignment int Alignment.
return void

setOriginX() public method

public setOriginX ( float originX ) : void
originX float
return void

setOriginY() public method

public setOriginY ( float originY ) : void
originY float
return void

setPosition() public method

Sets the position of the element's bottom left corner
public setPosition ( float x, float y ) : Element
x float The x coordinate.
y float The y coordinate.
return Element

setPosition() public method

Sets the position using the specified {@link Align alignment}. Note this may set the position to non-integer coordinates
public setPosition ( float x, float y, int alignment ) : void
x float The x coordinate.
y float The y coordinate.
alignment int Alignment.
return void

setRotation() public method

public setRotation ( float degrees ) : void
degrees float
return void

setScale() public method

Sets the scale for both X and Y
public setScale ( float scaleXY ) : void
scaleXY float Scale X.
return void

setScale() public method

Sets the scale X and scale Y
public setScale ( float scaleX, float scaleY ) : void
scaleX float Scale x.
scaleY float Scale y.
return void

setScaleX() public method

public setScaleX ( float scaleX ) : void
scaleX float
return void

setScaleY() public method

public setScaleY ( float scaleY ) : void
scaleY float
return void

setSize() public method

public setSize ( float width, float height ) : void
width float
height float
return void

setTouchable() public method

Determines how touch events are distributed to this element. Default is {@link Touchable#enabled}.
public setTouchable ( Touchable touchable ) : void
touchable Touchable Touchable.
return void

setVisible() public method

If false, the element will not be drawn and will not receive touch events. Default is true.
public setVisible ( bool visible ) : void
visible bool Visible.
return void

setWidth() public method

public setWidth ( float width ) : void
width float
return void

setX() public method

public setX ( float x ) : Element
x float
return Element

setY() public method

public setY ( float y ) : Element
y float
return Element

setZIndex() public method

Sets the z-index of this element. The z-index is the index into the parent's {@link Group#getChildren() children}, where a lower index is below a higher index. Setting a z-index higher than the number of children will move the child to the front. Setting a z-index less than zero is invalid.
public setZIndex ( int index ) : void
index int Index.
return void

sizeChanged() protected method

protected sizeChanged ( ) : void
return void

stageToLocalCoordinates() public method

Transforms the specified point in the stage's coordinates to the element's local coordinate system.
public stageToLocalCoordinates ( Vector2 stageCoords ) : Vector2
stageCoords Vector2 Stage coords.
return Vector2

toBack() public method

Changes the z-order for this element so it is in back of all siblings
public toBack ( ) : void
return void

toFront() public method

Changes the z-order for this element so it is in front of all siblings
public toFront ( ) : void
return void

validate() public method

public validate ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

_debug protected_oe property

protected bool _debug
return bool

_layoutEnabled protected_oe property

protected bool _layoutEnabled
return bool

_needsLayout protected_oe property

protected bool _needsLayout
return bool

_visible protected_oe property

protected bool _visible
return bool

originX protected_oe property

protected float originX
return float

rotation protected_oe property

protected float rotation
return float

scaleX protected_oe property

protected float scaleX
return float

stage protected_oe property

protected Stage stage
return Stage

touchable protected_oe property

protected Touchable touchable
return Touchable