C# Class Nexus.Client.Games.GameModeRegistry

A registry of all game modes whose mods can be managed by the application.
显示文件 Open project: NexusMods/NexusModManager-4.5 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
DiscoverSupportedGameModes ( EnvironmentInfo p_eifEnvironmentInfo ) : GameModeRegistry

Searches for game mode factories in the specified path, and loads any factories that are found into a registry.

GameModeRegistry ( ) : System

The default constructor.

GetGameMode ( string p_strGameModeId ) : IGameModeFactory

Gets the game mode factory registered for the given game mode id.

IsRegistered ( string p_strGameModeId ) : bool

Determines if the specified game mode is in the registry.

LoadInstalledGameModes ( GameModeRegistry p_gmrSupportedGameModes, EnvironmentInfo p_eifEnvironmentInfo ) : GameModeRegistry

Loads the factories for games that have been previously detected as installed.

RegisterGameMode ( IGameModeFactory p_gmfGameModeFactory ) : void

Registers the specified game mode.

Method Details

DiscoverSupportedGameModes() public static method

Searches for game mode factories in the specified path, and loads any factories that are found into a registry.
public static DiscoverSupportedGameModes ( EnvironmentInfo p_eifEnvironmentInfo ) : GameModeRegistry
p_eifEnvironmentInfo EnvironmentInfo
return GameModeRegistry

GameModeRegistry() public method

The default constructor.
public GameModeRegistry ( ) : System
return System

GetGameMode() public method

Gets the game mode factory registered for the given game mode id.
public GetGameMode ( string p_strGameModeId ) : IGameModeFactory
p_strGameModeId string The id of the game mode for which to retrieve a factory.
return IGameModeFactory

IsRegistered() public method

Determines if the specified game mode is in the registry.
public IsRegistered ( string p_strGameModeId ) : bool
p_strGameModeId string The id of the game mode whose presence in the registry is to be determined.
return bool

LoadInstalledGameModes() public static method

Loads the factories for games that have been previously detected as installed.
public static LoadInstalledGameModes ( GameModeRegistry p_gmrSupportedGameModes, EnvironmentInfo p_eifEnvironmentInfo ) : GameModeRegistry
p_gmrSupportedGameModes GameModeRegistry A registry containing the factories for all supported game modes.
p_eifEnvironmentInfo EnvironmentInfo The application's envrionment info.
return GameModeRegistry

RegisterGameMode() public method

Registers the specified game mode.
public RegisterGameMode ( IGameModeFactory p_gmfGameModeFactory ) : void
p_gmfGameModeFactory IGameModeFactory The factory for the game mode to register.
return void