C# Class Nedap.Retail.Api.Article.V2.ArticleV2Endpoint

Article V2 API endpoint
显示文件 Open project: nedap/retail-services-API Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateOrReplace ( List
articles ) : string

Articles are created or replaced using the GTIN as primary key. Entire entry is replaced if existed: all existing fields are cleared for these entries.

CreateOrUpdate ( List
articles ) : string

Articles are created or updated using the GTIN as primary key. Information is merged with existing information in the database.

Delete ( ) : string

Article entries are deleted for given organization. All articles will be physically deleted from database and this process is irreversible.

Details ( List gtins, List barcodes, List fields ) : List

Retrieve one or more articles based on GTIN value(s) or barcodes. Optionally specify returned Article properties. When querying on barcode, the barcode type is ignored. All articles that have a barcode that match (case insensitive for alphanumeric barcodes) one of the given barcodes is returned.

Quantity ( ) : long

Requests the total number of articles registered in !D Cloud.

Retrieve ( Nullable updatedAfter, Nullable skip, Nullable count, List fields ) : List

Retrieve articles. Optionally specify returned Article properties.

Private Methods

Method Description
ArticleV2Endpoint ( ApiCaller apiCaller ) : System

Method Details

CreateOrReplace() public method

Articles are created or replaced using the GTIN as primary key. Entire entry is replaced if existed: all existing fields are cleared for these entries.
public CreateOrReplace ( List
articles ) : string
articles List
List of articles
return string

CreateOrUpdate() public method

Articles are created or updated using the GTIN as primary key. Information is merged with existing information in the database.
public CreateOrUpdate ( List
articles ) : string
articles List
List of articles
return string

Delete() public method

Article entries are deleted for given organization. All articles will be physically deleted from database and this process is irreversible.
public Delete ( ) : string
return string

Details() public method

Retrieve one or more articles based on GTIN value(s) or barcodes. Optionally specify returned Article properties. When querying on barcode, the barcode type is ignored. All articles that have a barcode that match (case insensitive for alphanumeric barcodes) one of the given barcodes is returned.
public Details ( List gtins, List barcodes, List fields ) : List
gtins List The GTIN(s) of which article information should be returned. Repeat key-value for retrieving multiple GTINs.Mutually exclusive with barcodes[] .
barcodes List The barcode(s) of which article information should be returned. Repeat key-value for retrieving multiple barcodes.Mutually exclusive with gtins[].
fields List Optional. Which fields should be included in the response. Can be any of the Article fields. When omitted: all fields will be included in the response. Repeat key-value for retrieving multiple fields.
return List

Quantity() public method

Requests the total number of articles registered in !D Cloud.
public Quantity ( ) : long
return long

Retrieve() public method

Retrieve articles. Optionally specify returned Article properties.
public Retrieve ( Nullable updatedAfter, Nullable skip, Nullable count, List fields ) : List
updatedAfter Nullable Articles updated on or after this time. When omitted: return all Article objects since 1 january 1970.
skip Nullable Skip this number of articles. When omitted: skip none.
count Nullable Return this number of articles. When omitted: return 100 Article objects. The number of returned Resources is limited at 50.000.
fields List Which fields should be included in the response. Can be one of the earlier defined fields. When omitted: return all fields in Article resource. Repeat key-value for retrieving multiple fields.
return List