C# Class Nanobots_Refresh.Screens.BackgroundScreen

The background screen sits behind all the other menu screens. It draws a background image that remains fixed in place regardless of whatever transitions the screens on top of it may be doing.
Inheritance: ScreenManagement.GameScreen
显示文件 Open project: giladgray/XNA-ScreenManager

Public Methods

Method Description
BackgroundScreen ( ) : System

Constructs a new BackgroundScreen that draws the Texture "TitleScreen" to the entire screen.

BackgroundScreen ( String imageName ) : System

Constructs a new BackgroundScreen that draws the given Texture2D to the entire screen.

Draw ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Draws the background screen.

HandleInput ( InputState input ) : void
LoadContent ( ) : void

Loads graphics content for this screen. The background texture is quite big, so we use our own local ContentManager to load it. This allows us to unload before going from the menus into the game itself, wheras if we used the shared ContentManager provided by the Game class, the content would remain loaded forever.

UnloadContent ( ) : void

Unloads graphics content for this screen.

Update ( GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus, bool coveredByOtherScreen ) : void

Updates the background screen. Unlike most screens, this should not transition off even if it has been covered by another screen: it is supposed to be covered, after all! This overload forces the coveredByOtherScreen parameter to false in order to stop the base Update method wanting to transition off.

Method Details

BackgroundScreen() public method

Constructs a new BackgroundScreen that draws the Texture "TitleScreen" to the entire screen.
public BackgroundScreen ( ) : System
return System

BackgroundScreen() public method

Constructs a new BackgroundScreen that draws the given Texture2D to the entire screen.
public BackgroundScreen ( String imageName ) : System
imageName String XNA nice name of texture to load
return System

Draw() public method

Draws the background screen.
public Draw ( GameTime gameTime ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
return void

HandleInput() public method

public HandleInput ( InputState input ) : void
input ScreenManagement.InputState
return void

LoadContent() public method

Loads graphics content for this screen. The background texture is quite big, so we use our own local ContentManager to load it. This allows us to unload before going from the menus into the game itself, wheras if we used the shared ContentManager provided by the Game class, the content would remain loaded forever.
public LoadContent ( ) : void
return void

UnloadContent() public method

Unloads graphics content for this screen.
public UnloadContent ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Updates the background screen. Unlike most screens, this should not transition off even if it has been covered by another screen: it is supposed to be covered, after all! This overload forces the coveredByOtherScreen parameter to false in order to stop the base Update method wanting to transition off.
public Update ( GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus, bool coveredByOtherScreen ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
otherScreenHasFocus bool
coveredByOtherScreen bool
return void