C# Class NArrange.Tests.CSharp.CSharp6FeatureTests

显示文件 Open project: MarcStan/NArrange Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Method Description
Arrange ( string tempFile ) : bool

Aranges the given file and saves changes back to the file.

AssertAutoPropertyInitializersAreCorrectlyFormatted ( ) : void
AssertExpressionBodiesAreCorrectlyFormatted ( ) : void
AssertStaticExtensionMethodsAreCorrectlyFormatted ( ) : void
AssertStaticNamespacesAreCorrectlyFormatted ( ) : void
Compile ( string tempFile ) : bool
CompileArrangeAndRecompile ( string fullResourceName ) : void
CopyToTempFile ( string resourceName ) : string
GetTempCSharpFile ( ) : string
GetTestFileContents ( string fileName ) : string

Gets the test file contents.

TestAutoPropertyInitializersParseCorrectly ( ) : void
TestExpressionPropertyWithGreaterThanSignInBody ( ) : void
TryCompileArrangeAndRecompile ( string resourceName ) : void

Will compile the resource file to make sure it is valid, then arrange it and compile it again. It should be modified after compile (added regions, etc.) but still compile