C# Class MyMediaLite.RatingPrediction.EntityAverage

Abstract class that uses an average (by entity) rating value for predictions
Inheritance: RatingPredictor
显示文件 Open project: zenogantner/MML-KDD

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
entity_averages IList
global_average double

Public Methods

Method Description
LoadModel ( string filename ) : void
SaveModel ( string filename ) : void
this ( int index ) : double

return the average rating for a given entity

Protected Methods

Method Description
Train ( IList entity_ids, int max_entity_id ) : void

Train the recommender according to the given entity type

Method Details

LoadModel() public method

public LoadModel ( string filename ) : void
filename string
return void

SaveModel() public method

public SaveModel ( string filename ) : void
filename string
return void

Train() protected method

Train the recommender according to the given entity type
protected Train ( IList entity_ids, int max_entity_id ) : void
entity_ids IList list of the relevant entity IDs in the training data
max_entity_id int the maximum entity ID
return void

this() public method

return the average rating for a given entity
public this ( int index ) : double
index int the entity index
return double

Property Details

entity_averages protected_oe property

The average rating for each entity
protected IList entity_averages
return IList

global_average protected_oe property

The global average rating (default prediction if there is no data about an entity)
protected double global_average
return double