C# Class MonoLibUsb.MonoUsbEventHandler

Manages a static Libusb-1.0 MonoUsbSessionHandle and "handle_events" thread for simplified asynchronous IO.

This class contains its own MonoUsbSessionHandle that is initialized with one of the overloaded MonoUsbEventHandler.Init() functions.

This class contains a static thread that execute MonoUsbApi.HandleEventsTimeout. See the Start and Stop methods.

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Public Methods

Method Description
Exit ( ) : void

Stops the handle events thread and closes the session handle.

Init ( ) : void

Initializes the SessionHandle.

If the session has already been initialized, this method does nothing.

The handle events thread is not started until the Start method is called.

Uses the MonoLibUsb UnixNativeTimeval.Default polling interval for MonoUsbApi.HandleEventsTimeout.

Init ( long tvSec, long tvUsec ) : void

Initializes the SessionHandle and sets a custom polling interval.

Start ( ) : bool

Starts the handle events thread.

If the thread is already running, this method does nothing.

Using a seperate thread which executes MonoUsbApi.HandleEventsTimeout can simplify asynchronous I/O and improve performance in multi-threaded applications which use multiple endpoints.

Stop ( bool bWait ) : void

Stops the handle events thread.

Calling this method when the thread is not running will have no affect.

If the thread is running, this method must be called before the application exits. Failure to do so will cause the application to hang.

Private Methods

Method Description
HandleEventFn ( object oHandle ) : void
Init ( UnixNativeTimeval unixNativeTimeval ) : void

Method Details

Exit() public static method

Stops the handle events thread and closes the session handle.
public static Exit ( ) : void
return void

Init() public static method

Initializes the SessionHandle.

If the session has already been initialized, this method does nothing.

The handle events thread is not started until the Start method is called.

Uses the MonoLibUsb UnixNativeTimeval.Default polling interval for MonoUsbApi.HandleEventsTimeout.

public static Init ( ) : void
return void

Init() public static method

Initializes the SessionHandle and sets a custom polling interval.
public static Init ( long tvSec, long tvUsec ) : void
tvSec long polling interval seconds
tvUsec long polling interval milliseconds
return void

Start() public static method

Starts the handle events thread.

If the thread is already running, this method does nothing.

Using a seperate thread which executes MonoUsbApi.HandleEventsTimeout can simplify asynchronous I/O and improve performance in multi-threaded applications which use multiple endpoints.

public static Start ( ) : bool
return bool

Stop() public static method

Stops the handle events thread.

Calling this method when the thread is not running will have no affect.

If the thread is running, this method must be called before the application exits. Failure to do so will cause the application to hang.
public static Stop ( bool bWait ) : void
bWait bool If true, wait for the thread to exit before returning.
return void