C# Class Microsoft.Xades.DocumentationReferenceCollection

Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
Inheritance: System.Collections.ArrayList
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Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( ) : DocumentationReference

Add new typed object to the collection

Add ( DocumentationReference objectToAdd ) : DocumentationReference

Add typed object to the collection

this ( int index ) : DocumentationReference

New typed indexer for the collection

Method Details

Add() public method

Add new typed object to the collection
public Add ( ) : DocumentationReference
return DocumentationReference

Add() public method

Add typed object to the collection
public Add ( DocumentationReference objectToAdd ) : DocumentationReference
objectToAdd DocumentationReference Typed object to be added to collection
return DocumentationReference

this() public method

New typed indexer for the collection
public this ( int index ) : DocumentationReference
index int Index of the object to retrieve from collection
return DocumentationReference