C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Test.Profile.MockCsmTenantOperations

Inheritance: Microsoft.Azure.Subscriptions.ITenantOperations
显示文件 Open project: Azure/azure-powershell Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Create ( IList knownTenants ) : MockCsmTenantOperations

Create a tenant mock using the given set of tenants

ListAsync ( System cancellationToken ) : Task

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateTenant ( string tenantId ) : Azure.Subscriptions.Models.TenantIdDescription
CreateTenantList ( ) : IList

Method Details

Create() public static method

Create a tenant mock using the given set of tenants
public static Create ( IList knownTenants ) : MockCsmTenantOperations
knownTenants IList The list of existing tenants.
return MockCsmTenantOperations

ListAsync() public method

public ListAsync ( System cancellationToken ) : Task
cancellationToken System
return Task