C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.TS_FP_INPUT_PDU

Fast-path revises client input packets from the first byte with the goal of improving bandwidth. The TPKT (see [T123]), X.224 (see [X224]) and MCS SDrq (see [T125]) headers are replaced, the Security Header is collapsed into the fast-path input header, and the Share Data Header is replaced by a new fast-path format. The contents of the input notification events (see section ) are also changed to reduce their size, particularly by removing or reducing headers. Support for fast-path input is advertised in the Input Capability Set.
file:///C:/ts_dev/TestSuites/MS-RDPBCGR/TestSuite/Src/TD/latest_XMLS_16may/RDPBCGR/ _rfc_ms-rdpbcgr2_1_7_1_2.xml
Inheritance: RdpbcgrClientPdu
显示文件 Open project: Microsoft/WindowsProtocolTestSuites Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
dataSignature byte[]
fipsInformation TS_FP_FIPS_INFO
fpInputEvents Collection
fpInputHeader nested_TS_FP_INPUT_PDU_fpInputHeader
length1 byte
length2 byte
numberEvents byte

Public Methods

Method Description
Clone ( ) : StackPacket

Create an instance of the class that is identical to the current PDU.

TS_FP_INPUT_PDU ( ) : System

The constructor of the class with no parameter.

TS_FP_INPUT_PDU ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.RdpbcgrClientContext clientContext ) : System

The constructor of the class.

ToBytes ( ) : byte[]

Encode this structure into byte array.

Private Methods

Method Description
EncodeFpHeaderData ( int dataLength ) : byte[]

Encode the fast path header data

EncodeFpInputData ( ) : byte[]

Encode fast path Input data.

Method Details

Clone() public method

Create an instance of the class that is identical to the current PDU.
public Clone ( ) : StackPacket
return StackPacket

TS_FP_INPUT_PDU() public method

The constructor of the class with no parameter.
public TS_FP_INPUT_PDU ( ) : System
return System

TS_FP_INPUT_PDU() public method

The constructor of the class.
public TS_FP_INPUT_PDU ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.RdpbcgrClientContext clientContext ) : System
clientContext Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.RdpbcgrClientContext Specify the context.
return System

ToBytes() public method

Encode this structure into byte array.
public ToBytes ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]

Property Details

dataSignature public_oe property

The message authentication code (MAC) generated over the packet using one of the techniques described in Non-FIPS (the FASTPATH_INPUT_SECURE_CHECKSUM flag, which is set in the fpInputHeader field, describes the method used to generate the signature). This field is present if the FASTPATH_INPUT_ENCRYPTED flag is set in the fpInputHeader field.
public byte[] dataSignature
return byte[]

fipsInformation public_oe property

Optional FIPS header information, present when the Encryption Level selected by the server (see sections and ) is ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_FIPS (4). The fast-path FIPS information structure is specified in section .
public TS_FP_FIPS_INFO,Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr fipsInformation

fpInputEvents public_oe property

A collection of Fast-Path Input Event structures to be processed by the server. The number of events present in this array is given by the numberEvents bit field in the fast-path header byte, or by the numberEvents field in the Fast-Path Input Event PDU (if it is present).
public Collection fpInputEvents
return Collection

fpInputHeader public_oe property

An 8-bit unsigned integer. One-byte bit-packed header. This byte coincides with the first byte of the TPKT Header (see [T123] section 8), which is always 0x03. Three pieces of information are collapsed into this byte:Encryption dataNumber of events in the fast-path input PDUAction code The format of the fpInputHeader byte is described by the following bitmask diagram:
public nested_TS_FP_INPUT_PDU_fpInputHeader,Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr fpInputHeader
return nested_TS_FP_INPUT_PDU_fpInputHeader

length1 public_oe property

An 8-bit unsigned integer. If the most significant bit of the length1 field is not set, then the size of the PDU is in the range 1 to 127 bytes and the length1 field contains the overall PDU length (the length2 field is not present in this case). However, if the most significant bit of the length1 field is set, then the overall PDU length is given by the low 7 bits of the length1 field concatenated with the 8 bits of the length2 field, in big-endian order (the length2 field contains the low-order bits).
public byte length1
return byte

length2 public_oe property

An 8-bit unsigned integer. If the most significant bit of the length1 field is not set, then the length2 field is not present. If the most significant bit of the length1 field is set, then the overall PDU length is given by the low 7 bits of the length1 field concatenated with the 8 bits of the length2 field, in big-endian order (the length2 field contains the low-order bits).
public byte length2
return byte

numberEvents public_oe property

An 8-bit unsigned integer. The number of fast-path input events packed together in the fpInputEvents field (up to 255). This field is present if the numberEvents bit field in the fast-path header byte is zero.
public byte numberEvents
return byte