C# Class Microsoft.Phone.Controls.LongListSelector

Inheritance: System.Windows.Controls.Control
显示文件 Open project: nokiadatagathering/WP7-Official Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DisplayAllGroupsProperty DependencyProperty
GroupFooterProperty DependencyProperty
GroupHeaderProperty DependencyProperty
GroupItemTemplateProperty DependencyProperty
GroupItemsPanelProperty DependencyProperty
ItemsSourceProperty DependencyProperty
ItemsTemplateProperty DependencyProperty
ListFooterProperty DependencyProperty
ListFooterTemplateProperty DependencyProperty
ListHeaderProperty DependencyProperty
ListHeaderTemplateProperty DependencyProperty
ShowListFooterProperty DependencyProperty
ShowListHeaderProperty DependencyProperty

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddGroup void
AddGroupFooters void
AddGroupHeaders void
AddGroupHeadersAndFooters void
AddListFooter void
AddListFooter void
AddListHeader void
AddListHeader void
AnimateTo void
AttachToPageEvents void
BuildPopup void
ClosePopup bool
DetachFromPageEvents void
GetGroupIndexInListBox int
GetHeadersAndItemsCountFromGroup int
GetItemsCountFromGroups int
GetItemsInView ICollection
GetItemsWithContainers ICollection
GetPageOrientation PageOrientation
GetTransform Transform
GetTransformedRect Rect
InsertNewGroups void
InsertNewItems void
IsLandscape bool
LoadDataIntoListBox void
OnBufferSizeChanged void
OnCollectionChanged void
OnDataTemplateChanged void
OnDisplayAllGroupsChanged void
OnItemsSourceChanged void
OnItemsSourceChanged void
OnLink void
OnScrollStateChanging void
OnSelectionChanged void
OnShowListFooterChanged void
OnShowListHeaderChanged void
OnStretchStateChanging void
OnUnlink void
OpenPopup void
RemoveAllGroupFooters void
RemoveAllGroupHeaders void
RemoveAllGroupHeadersAndFooters void
RemoveListFooter void
RemoveListFooter void
RemoveListHeader void
RemoveListHeader void
RemoveOldGroups void
RemoveOldItems void
RestoreSystemState void
SaveSystemState void
SetItemsControlSize void
UnsubscribeFromAllCollections void
UpdateItemsTemplate void
itemsControl_GroupSelected void
page_BackKeyPress void
page_OrientationChanged void
popup_Opened void

Public Methods

Method Description
CloseGroupView ( ) : void

Closes the group view unconditionally.

Does not raise the GroupViewClosingEventArgs event.

DisplayGroupView ( ) : void

Invokes the group view if a GroupItemTemplate has been defined.

LongListSelector ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of LongListSelector.

OnApplyTemplate ( ) : void

Called whenever a template gets applied on this control.

ScrollTo ( object item ) : void

Instantly jump to the specified item.

ScrollToGroup ( object group ) : void

Instantly jump to the specified group.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddGroup ( object groupToAdd, IList tuples ) : void

Adds a group to a list of tuples.

AddGroupFooters ( ) : void

Adds group headers after the GroupFooterTeamplate switch from being null to an actual value.

AddGroupHeaders ( ) : void

Adds group headers after the GroupHeaderTeamplate switch from being null to an actual value.

AddGroupHeadersAndFooters ( bool addHeaders, bool addFooters ) : void

Adds group headers or footers after their template switch from being null to an actual value.

Used only when templates for group headers/footers switch from being null. In this case, they must be added to the lisbox if a group is not empty or DisplayAllGroups is true. For performance reasons, this method makes an assumption that headers/footers are not already present. Which is the case when its called from OnDataTemplateChanged.

AddListFooter ( ) : void

Adds a list footer to the listbox.

AddListFooter ( IList tuples ) : void

Adds a list footer to the given list.

AddListHeader ( ) : void

Adds a list header to the listbox.

AddListHeader ( IList tuples ) : void

Adds a list header to the given list.

AnimateTo ( object item ) : void
AttachToPageEvents ( ) : void
BuildPopup ( ) : void
ClosePopup ( object selectedGroup, bool raiseEvent ) : bool

Closes the group popup.

DetachFromPageEvents ( ) : void
GetGroupIndexInListBox ( int indexInLLS ) : int

Returns, for a group, an index relative to the templated list box from an index relative to the root collection.

GetHeadersAndItemsCountFromGroup ( IEnumerable group ) : int

Returns the number of items in a group including the group header.

GetItemsCountFromGroups ( IEnumerable groups ) : int

Returns the number of items in a list of groups.

GetItemsInView ( ) : ICollection
GetItemsWithContainers ( bool onlyItemsInView, bool getContainers ) : ICollection
GetPageOrientation ( ) : PageOrientation
GetTransform ( ) : Transform
GetTransformedRect ( ) : Rect
InsertNewGroups ( IList newGroups, int newGroupsIndex ) : void

Inserts new groups in the list box.

InsertNewItems ( IList newItems, int newItemsIndex, IEnumerable group ) : void

Inserts new items in the list box.

IsLandscape ( PageOrientation orientation ) : bool
LoadDataIntoListBox ( ) : void

Loads ItemsSource into the hosted list box.

OnBufferSizeChanged ( DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnCollectionChanged ( object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when there is a change in the root or a group collection.

OnDataTemplateChanged ( DependencyObject o, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when a data template has changed.

OnDisplayAllGroupsChanged ( DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when the DisplayAllGroups dependency property changes

OnItemsSourceChanged ( ) : void

Called when the ItemsSource dependency property changes.

OnItemsSourceChanged ( DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnLink ( object sender, LinkUnlinkEventArgs e ) : void

Called when an item gets realized.

OnScrollStateChanging ( object sender, VisualStateChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when the scrolling state of the list box changes.

OnSelectionChanged ( object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when there is a change in the selected item(s) in the listbox.

OnShowListFooterChanged ( DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnShowListHeaderChanged ( DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnStretchStateChanging ( object sender, VisualStateChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when the scrolling state of the list box changes.

OnUnlink ( object sender, LinkUnlinkEventArgs e ) : void

Called when an item gets unrealized.

OpenPopup ( ) : void
RemoveAllGroupFooters ( ) : void
RemoveAllGroupHeaders ( ) : void
RemoveAllGroupHeadersAndFooters ( bool removeHeaders, bool removeFooters ) : void

Removes group headers or footers after their template becomes null.

RemoveListFooter ( ) : void

Removes the list footer from the listbox.

RemoveListFooter ( IList tuples ) : void

Removes the list footer from the given list.

RemoveListHeader ( ) : void

Removes the list header from the listbox.

RemoveListHeader ( IList tuples ) : void

Removes the list header from the given list.

RemoveOldGroups ( IList oldGroups, int oldGroupsIndex ) : void

Removes groups from the list box.

RemoveOldItems ( IList oldItems, int oldItemsIndex, IEnumerable group ) : void

Removes old items from a group or from the root collection.

RestoreSystemState ( ) : void
SaveSystemState ( bool newSystemTrayVisible, bool newApplicationBarVisible ) : void
SetItemsControlSize ( ) : void
UnsubscribeFromAllCollections ( ) : void

Unsubscrives from every collection in ItemsSource.

UpdateItemsTemplate ( LongListSelectorItemType itemType, DataTemplate newTemplate ) : void

Updates the templates for a given item type in the list box.

itemsControl_GroupSelected ( object sender, LongListSelector e ) : void
page_BackKeyPress ( object sender, System e ) : void
page_OrientationChanged ( object sender, OrientationChangedEventArgs e ) : void
popup_Opened ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

CloseGroupView() public method

Closes the group view unconditionally.
Does not raise the GroupViewClosingEventArgs event.
public CloseGroupView ( ) : void
return void

DisplayGroupView() public method

Invokes the group view if a GroupItemTemplate has been defined.
public DisplayGroupView ( ) : void
return void

LongListSelector() public method

Initializes a new instance of LongListSelector.
public LongListSelector ( ) : System
return System

OnApplyTemplate() public method

Called whenever a template gets applied on this control.
public OnApplyTemplate ( ) : void
return void

ScrollTo() public method

Instantly jump to the specified item.
public ScrollTo ( object item ) : void
item object Item to jump to.
return void

ScrollToGroup() public method

Instantly jump to the specified group.
public ScrollToGroup ( object group ) : void
group object Group to jump to.
return void

Property Details

DisplayAllGroupsProperty public_oe static_oe property

DisplayAllGroups DependencyProperty
public static DependencyProperty DisplayAllGroupsProperty
return DependencyProperty

GroupFooterProperty public_oe static_oe property

The GroupFooterTemplate DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty GroupFooterProperty
return DependencyProperty

GroupHeaderProperty public_oe static_oe property

The GroupHeaderTemplate DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty GroupHeaderProperty
return DependencyProperty

GroupItemTemplateProperty public_oe static_oe property

The GroupItemTemplate DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty GroupItemTemplateProperty
return DependencyProperty

GroupItemsPanelProperty public_oe static_oe property

The GroupItemsPanel DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty GroupItemsPanelProperty
return DependencyProperty

ItemsSourceProperty public_oe static_oe property

The DataSource DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty
return DependencyProperty

ItemsTemplateProperty public_oe static_oe property

The ItemTemplate DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty ItemsTemplateProperty
return DependencyProperty

ListFooterProperty public_oe static_oe property

The ListFooter DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty ListFooterProperty
return DependencyProperty

ListFooterTemplateProperty public_oe static_oe property

The ListFooterTemplate DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty ListFooterTemplateProperty
return DependencyProperty

ListHeaderProperty public_oe static_oe property

The ListHeader DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty ListHeaderProperty
return DependencyProperty

ListHeaderTemplateProperty public_oe static_oe property

The ListHeaderTemplate DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty ListHeaderTemplateProperty
return DependencyProperty

ShowListFooterProperty public_oe static_oe property

The ShowListFooter DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty ShowListFooterProperty
return DependencyProperty

ShowListHeaderProperty public_oe static_oe property

The ShowListHeader DependencyProperty.
public static DependencyProperty ShowListHeaderProperty
return DependencyProperty