C# Class Microsoft.Maker.Sparkfun.WeatherShield.WeatherShield

显示文件 Open project: ms-iot/sparkfun-weather-shield Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
BeginAsync ( ) : IAsyncOperation

Initialize the Sparkfun Weather Shield

WeatherShield ( string i2cBusName, int ledBluePin, int ledGreenPin ) : Microsoft.Maker.Devices.I2C.Htu21d

Constructs WeatherShield with I2C bus and status LEDs identified

Private Methods

Method Description
BeginAsyncHelper ( ) : Task

Initialize the Sparkfun Weather Shield

Setup and instantiate the I2C device objects for the HTU21D and the MPL3115A2 and initialize the blue and green status LEDs.

Method Details

BeginAsync() public method

Initialize the Sparkfun Weather Shield
public BeginAsync ( ) : IAsyncOperation
return IAsyncOperation

WeatherShield() public method

Constructs WeatherShield with I2C bus and status LEDs identified
public WeatherShield ( string i2cBusName, int ledBluePin, int ledGreenPin ) : Microsoft.Maker.Devices.I2C.Htu21d
i2cBusName string
ledBluePin int
ledGreenPin int
return Microsoft.Maker.Devices.I2C.Htu21d