C# Class MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIVideoControl

This class will draw a placeholder for the current video window if no video is playing it will present an empty rectangle
Inheritance: GUIControl
显示文件 Open project: MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_imageFocusRectangle GUIAnimation
_setVideoWindow bool
_videoWindows System.Drawing.Rectangle[]
blackImage GUIImage
thumbImage GUIImage

Public Methods

Method Description
AllocResources ( ) : void
CanFocus ( ) : bool
Dispose ( ) : void
FinalizeConstruction ( ) : void
GUIVideoControl ( int dwParentID ) : System.Drawing
GUIVideoControl ( int dwParentID, int dwControlId, int dwPosX, int dwPosY, int dwWidth, int dwHeight, string texturename ) : System.Drawing
HitTest ( int x, int y, int &controlID, bool &focused ) : bool

Checks if the x and y coordinates correspond to the current control.

OnAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : void
OnDeInit ( ) : void
OnInit ( ) : void
Render ( float timePassed ) : void

Method Details

AllocResources() public method

public AllocResources ( ) : void
return void

CanFocus() public method

public CanFocus ( ) : bool
return bool

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

FinalizeConstruction() public method

public FinalizeConstruction ( ) : void
return void

GUIVideoControl() public method

public GUIVideoControl ( int dwParentID ) : System.Drawing
dwParentID int
return System.Drawing

GUIVideoControl() public method

public GUIVideoControl ( int dwParentID, int dwControlId, int dwPosX, int dwPosY, int dwWidth, int dwHeight, string texturename ) : System.Drawing
dwParentID int
dwControlId int
dwPosX int
dwPosY int
dwWidth int
dwHeight int
texturename string
return System.Drawing

HitTest() public method

Checks if the x and y coordinates correspond to the current control.
public HitTest ( int x, int y, int &controlID, bool &focused ) : bool
x int The x coordinate.
y int The y coordinate.
controlID int
focused bool
return bool

OnAction() public method

public OnAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : void
action MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action
return void

OnDeInit() public method

public OnDeInit ( ) : void
return void

OnInit() public method

public OnInit ( ) : void
return void

Render() public method

public Render ( float timePassed ) : void
timePassed float
return void

Property Details

_imageFocusRectangle protected_oe property

protected GUIAnimation,MediaPortal.GUI.Library _imageFocusRectangle
return GUIAnimation

_setVideoWindow protected_oe property

protected bool _setVideoWindow
return bool

_videoWindows protected_oe property

protected Rectangle[],System.Drawing _videoWindows
return System.Drawing.Rectangle[]

blackImage protected_oe property

protected GUIImage,MediaPortal.GUI.Library blackImage
return GUIImage

thumbImage protected_oe property

protected GUIImage,MediaPortal.GUI.Library thumbImage
return GUIImage