C# Class MAPIInspector.Parsers.PropList

Contains a list of propValues.
Inheritance: SyntacticalBase
显示文件 Open project: OfficeDev/Office-Inspectors-for-Fiddler Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
PropValues MAPIInspector.Parsers.PropValue[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Parse ( FastTransferStream stream ) : void

Parse fields from a FastTransferStream.

PropList ( FastTransferStream stream ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the PropList class.

Verify ( FastTransferStream stream ) : bool

Verify that a stream's current position contains a serialized propList.

Method Details

Parse() public method

Parse fields from a FastTransferStream.
public Parse ( FastTransferStream stream ) : void
stream FastTransferStream A FastTransferStream.
return void

PropList() public method

Initializes a new instance of the PropList class.
public PropList ( FastTransferStream stream ) : System
stream FastTransferStream A FastTransferStream.
return System

Verify() public static method

Verify that a stream's current position contains a serialized propList.
public static Verify ( FastTransferStream stream ) : bool
stream FastTransferStream A FastTransferStream.
return bool

Property Details

PropValues public_oe property

public PropValue[],MAPIInspector.Parsers PropValues
return MAPIInspector.Parsers.PropValue[]