C# Class LogoFX.Client.Mvvm.View.Infra.Controls.PopupHelper

PopupHelper is a simple wrapper type that helps abstract platform differences out of the Popup.
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
Arrange void
OnClosed void
OnFocusChanged void
OnPopupClosedStateChanged void
OnUpdateVisualStates void
OutsidePopup_MouseLeftButtonDown void
PopupChild_GotFocus void
PopupChild_LostFocus void
PopupChild_MouseEnter void
PopupChild_MouseLeave void
PopupChild_SizeChanged void
Popup_Closed void

Public Methods

Method Description
AfterOnApplyTemplate ( ) : void

Should be called by the parent control after the base OnApplyTemplate method is called.

BeforeOnApplyTemplate ( ) : void

Should be called by the parent control before the base OnApplyTemplate method is called.

PopupHelper ( Control parent ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the PopupHelper class.

PopupHelper ( Control parent, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup popup ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the PopupHelper class.

Private Methods

Method Description
Arrange ( ) : void
OnClosed ( EventArgs e ) : void

Fires the Closed event.

OnFocusChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void

Connected to several events that indicate that the FocusChanged event should bubble up to the parent control.

OnPopupClosedStateChanged ( object sender, System.Windows.VisualStateChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Actually closes the popup after the VSM state animation completes.

OnUpdateVisualStates ( EventArgs e ) : void

Fires the UpdateVisualStates event.

OutsidePopup_MouseLeftButtonDown ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e ) : void

The mouse has clicked outside of the popup.

PopupChild_GotFocus ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) : void

The popup child has received focus.

PopupChild_LostFocus ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) : void

The popup child has lost focus.

PopupChild_MouseEnter ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e ) : void

The popup child has had the mouse enter its bounds.

PopupChild_MouseLeave ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e ) : void

The mouse has left the popup child's bounds.

PopupChild_SizeChanged ( object sender, System.Windows.SizeChangedEventArgs e ) : void

The size of the popup child has changed.

Popup_Closed ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Connected to the Popup Closed event and fires the Closed event.

Method Details

AfterOnApplyTemplate() public method

Should be called by the parent control after the base OnApplyTemplate method is called.
public AfterOnApplyTemplate ( ) : void
return void

BeforeOnApplyTemplate() public method

Should be called by the parent control before the base OnApplyTemplate method is called.
public BeforeOnApplyTemplate ( ) : void
return void

PopupHelper() public method

Initializes a new instance of the PopupHelper class.
public PopupHelper ( Control parent ) : System
parent System.Windows.Controls.Control The parent control.
return System

PopupHelper() public method

Initializes a new instance of the PopupHelper class.
public PopupHelper ( Control parent, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup popup ) : System
parent System.Windows.Controls.Control The parent control.
popup System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup The Popup template part.
return System