C# Class LinFu.AOP.Cecil.CatchAllThrownExceptions

Represents a method rewriter that modifies a method body to support dynamic exception handling.
Inheritance: BaseMethodRewriter
显示文件 Open project: philiplaureano/LinFu

Public Methods

Method Description
AddLocals ( Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition hostMethod ) : void

Adds local variables to the hostMethod.

ImportReferences ( Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition module ) : void

Adds additional references to the target module.

Protected Methods

Method Description
RewriteMethodBody ( Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition targetMethod, Mono.Cecil.Cil.CilWorker IL, IEnumerable oldInstructions ) : void

Rewrites the instructions in the target method body to support dynamic exception handling.

Private Methods

Method Description
SaveExceptionInfo ( Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition targetMethod, IEmitInvocationInfo emitter ) : void

Saves the current IExceptionHandlerInfo instance.

Method Details

AddLocals() public method

Adds local variables to the hostMethod.
public AddLocals ( Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition hostMethod ) : void
hostMethod Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition The target method.
return void

ImportReferences() public method

Adds additional references to the target module.
public ImportReferences ( Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition module ) : void
module Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition The host module.
return void

RewriteMethodBody() protected method

Rewrites the instructions in the target method body to support dynamic exception handling.
protected RewriteMethodBody ( Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition targetMethod, Mono.Cecil.Cil.CilWorker IL, IEnumerable oldInstructions ) : void
targetMethod Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition The target method.
IL Mono.Cecil.Cil.CilWorker The instance that represents the method body.
oldInstructions IEnumerable The IL instructions of the original method body.
return void