C# Class KLF.KLFVesselInfo

显示文件 Open project: SodiumEyes/KerbalLiveFeed Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
bodyName String
detail KLFVesselDetail
situation Situation
state State
timeScale float

Public Methods

Method Description
KLFVesselInfo ( ) : System

Method Details

KLFVesselInfo() public method

public KLFVesselInfo ( ) : System
return System

Property Details

bodyName public_oe property

The name of the body the vessel is orbiting
public String bodyName
return String

detail public_oe property

public KLFVesselDetail,KLF detail
return KLFVesselDetail

situation public_oe property

The vessel's KSP Vessel situation
public Situation situation
return Situation

state public_oe property

The vessel's KSP vessel state
public State state
return State

timeScale public_oe property

The timescale at which the vessel is warping
public float timeScale
return float