C# Class IronFramework.TestCommon.ThreadPoolSyncContext

This is an implementation of SynchronizationContext that not only queues things on the thread pool for later work, but also ensures that it sets itself back as the synchronization context (something that the default implementatation of SynchronizationContext does not do).
Inheritance: System.Threading.SynchronizationContext
显示文件 Open project: megadotnet/ironframework

Public Methods

Method Description
Post ( SendOrPostCallback d, object state ) : void
Send ( SendOrPostCallback d, object state ) : void

Method Details

Post() public method

public Post ( SendOrPostCallback d, object state ) : void
d SendOrPostCallback
state object
return void

Send() public method

public Send ( SendOrPostCallback d, object state ) : void
d SendOrPostCallback
state object
return void