C# Class IntegratedAuthoringTool.DialogStateAction

Represents a dialogue action
显示文件 Open project: GAIPS-INESC-ID/FAtiMA-Toolkit Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildSpeakAction ( ) : Name
BuildSpeakAction ( Name currentState, Name nextState, IList meanings, IList styles ) : Name
BuildSpeakAction ( Name currentState, Name nextState, IList meanings, Name style ) : Name
BuildSpeakAction ( Name currentState, Name nextState, Name meaning, IList styles ) : Name
BuildSpeakAction ( Name currentState, Name nextState, Name meaning, Name style ) : Name
DialogStateAction ( DialogueStateActionDTO dto ) : System

Creates a new instance of a dialogue action from the corresponding DTO

PackageList ( Name packageRoot, IList elements ) : Name
ToDTO ( ) : DialogueStateActionDTO

Creates a DTO from the dialogue action

Method Details

BuildSpeakAction() public method

public BuildSpeakAction ( ) : Name
return Name

BuildSpeakAction() public static method

public static BuildSpeakAction ( Name currentState, Name nextState, IList meanings, IList styles ) : Name
currentState Name
nextState Name
meanings IList
styles IList
return Name

BuildSpeakAction() public static method

public static BuildSpeakAction ( Name currentState, Name nextState, IList meanings, Name style ) : Name
currentState Name
nextState Name
meanings IList
style Name
return Name

BuildSpeakAction() public static method

public static BuildSpeakAction ( Name currentState, Name nextState, Name meaning, IList styles ) : Name
currentState Name
nextState Name
meaning Name
styles IList
return Name

BuildSpeakAction() public static method

public static BuildSpeakAction ( Name currentState, Name nextState, Name meaning, Name style ) : Name
currentState Name
nextState Name
meaning Name
style Name
return Name

DialogStateAction() public method

Creates a new instance of a dialogue action from the corresponding DTO
public DialogStateAction ( DialogueStateActionDTO dto ) : System
dto IntegratedAuthoringTool.DTOs.DialogueStateActionDTO
return System

PackageList() public static method

public static PackageList ( Name packageRoot, IList elements ) : Name
packageRoot Name
elements IList
return Name

ToDTO() public method

Creates a DTO from the dialogue action
public ToDTO ( ) : DialogueStateActionDTO
return IntegratedAuthoringTool.DTOs.DialogueStateActionDTO

Property Details

MEANINGS_PACKAGING_NAME public_oe static_oe property

return Name

STYLES_PACKAGING_NAME public_oe static_oe property

public static Name STYLES_PACKAGING_NAME
return Name