C# Class Howler.Database.DatabaseClientExtensionMethods

Basic extension methods to support set operations for the IDatabaseClient implementations.
显示文件 Open project: HowlerChat/Howler

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( IQueryable table, item ) : void

Adds an item to the table.

Remove ( IQueryable table, item ) : void

Removes an item from the table.

Update ( IQueryable table, item ) : void

Updates an item on the table.

Method Details

Add() public static method

Adds an item to the table.
public static Add ( IQueryable table, item ) : void
table IQueryable The table to add to.
item The item to add.
return void

Remove() public static method

Removes an item from the table.
public static Remove ( IQueryable table, item ) : void
table IQueryable The table to remove from.
item The item to remove.
return void

Update() public static method

Updates an item on the table.
public static Update ( IQueryable table, item ) : void
table IQueryable The table to update.
item The item to update.
return void