C# Class HistorianView.MainWindow.MetadataWrapper

This is a wrapper around a MetadataRecord that allows auto-generation of columns in the data grid based on the public properties of this class.
Inheritance: INotifyPropertyChanged
显示文件 Open project: GridProtectionAlliance/openHistorian

Public Methods

Method Description
GetMetadata ( ) : Metadata

Returns the wrapped Metadata.

MetadataWrapper ( Metadata metadata ) : System

Creates a new instance of the MetadataWrapper class.

Private Methods

Method Description
OnPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void
ValidateSignalType ( string signalType ) : string

Method Details

GetMetadata() public method

Returns the wrapped Metadata.
public GetMetadata ( ) : Metadata
return Metadata

MetadataWrapper() public method

Creates a new instance of the MetadataWrapper class.
public MetadataWrapper ( Metadata metadata ) : System
metadata Metadata The to be wrapped.
return System