C# Class HaloMap.H2MetaContainers.hlmtContainer

Summary description for hlmt.
显示文件 Open project: troymac1ure/Entity Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Permutations PermutationInfo
TagIndex int

Public Methods

Method Description
FindPermutation ( string permutationName ) : int

The find permutation.

hlmtContainer ( int tagIndex, Map map ) : HaloMap.Map

Initializes a new instance of the hlmtContainer class.

Method Details

FindPermutation() public method

The find permutation.
public FindPermutation ( string permutationName ) : int
permutationName string The permutation name.
return int

hlmtContainer() public method

Initializes a new instance of the hlmtContainer class.
public hlmtContainer ( int tagIndex, Map map ) : HaloMap.Map
tagIndex int Index of the tag.
map HaloMap.Map.Map The map.
return HaloMap.Map

Property Details

Permutations public_oe property

The permutations.
public PermutationInfo Permutations
return PermutationInfo

TagIndex public_oe property

The TagIndex.
public int TagIndex
return int