C# Class Habanero.Testability.Helpers.DummyPropertyInfo

This class is used by Reflection you cannot construct an instance of Property Info directly. This class only implementes the .Name and .Type interface of the PropertyInfo. This class is copied as is from FluentNHibernate.
Inheritance: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
显示文件 Open project: Chillisoft/habanero.testability

Public Methods

Method Description
DummyPropertyInfo ( string name, Type type ) : System
GetAccessors ( bool nonPublic ) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo[]
GetCustomAttributes ( Type attributeType, bool inherit ) : object[]
GetCustomAttributes ( bool inherit ) : object[]
GetGetMethod ( bool nonPublic ) : MethodInfo
GetIndexParameters ( ) : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[]
GetSetMethod ( bool nonPublic ) : MethodInfo
GetValue ( object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object index, CultureInfo culture ) : object
IsDefined ( Type attributeType, bool inherit ) : bool
SetValue ( object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object index, CultureInfo culture ) : void

Method Details

DummyPropertyInfo() public method

public DummyPropertyInfo ( string name, Type type ) : System
name string
type System.Type
return System

GetAccessors() public method

public GetAccessors ( bool nonPublic ) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo[]
nonPublic bool
return System.Reflection.MethodInfo[]

GetCustomAttributes() public method

public GetCustomAttributes ( Type attributeType, bool inherit ) : object[]
attributeType System.Type
inherit bool
return object[]

GetCustomAttributes() public method

public GetCustomAttributes ( bool inherit ) : object[]
inherit bool
return object[]

GetGetMethod() public method

public GetGetMethod ( bool nonPublic ) : MethodInfo
nonPublic bool
return System.Reflection.MethodInfo

GetIndexParameters() public method

public GetIndexParameters ( ) : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[]
return System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[]

GetSetMethod() public method

public GetSetMethod ( bool nonPublic ) : MethodInfo
nonPublic bool
return System.Reflection.MethodInfo

GetValue() public method

public GetValue ( object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object index, CultureInfo culture ) : object
obj object
invokeAttr BindingFlags
binder System.Reflection.Binder
index object
culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo
return object

IsDefined() public method

public IsDefined ( Type attributeType, bool inherit ) : bool
attributeType System.Type
inherit bool
return bool

SetValue() public method

public SetValue ( object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object index, CultureInfo culture ) : void
obj object
value object
invokeAttr BindingFlags
binder System.Reflection.Binder
index object
culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo
return void