C# Class GuaranteedRate.Sextant.EncompassUtils.UserUtils

显示文件 Open project: Guaranteed-Rate/GuaranteedRate.Sextant

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAllActiveUsers ( this session ) : ICollection
GetAllUsers ( this session ) : ICollection
GetAllUsersInWorkFolder ( this session, string workFolder ) : ICollection
GetEncompassInfo ( User user ) : object>.IDictionary

Similar to the json user extraction, but this function gives a little more control

GetLicensingInfo ( User user ) : object>.IDictionary

Get both state and national licensing info

GetStateLicensing ( User user, bool full ) : string>>.IList

Builds a dictionary of state licensing info for the user

ToJson ( this user ) : string
ToJson ( this users ) : string
TryForceCompanyWidePasswordChange ( this session, ICollection exceptionUserIds, string &exception ) : bool

Method Details

GetAllActiveUsers() public static method

public static GetAllActiveUsers ( this session ) : ICollection
session this
return ICollection

GetAllUsers() public static method

public static GetAllUsers ( this session ) : ICollection
session this
return ICollection

GetAllUsersInWorkFolder() public static method

public static GetAllUsersInWorkFolder ( this session, string workFolder ) : ICollection
session this
workFolder string
return ICollection

GetEncompassInfo() public static method

Similar to the json user extraction, but this function gives a little more control
public static GetEncompassInfo ( User user ) : object>.IDictionary
user User
return object>.IDictionary

GetLicensingInfo() public static method

Get both state and national licensing info
public static GetLicensingInfo ( User user ) : object>.IDictionary
user User
return object>.IDictionary

GetStateLicensing() public static method

Builds a dictionary of state licensing info for the user
public static GetStateLicensing ( User user, bool full ) : string>>.IList
user User
full bool is a flag that will add a bunch of mostly meaningless fields to the dictionary
return string>>.IList

ToJson() public static method

public static ToJson ( this user ) : string
user this
return string

ToJson() public static method

public static ToJson ( this users ) : string
users this
return string

TryForceCompanyWidePasswordChange() public static method

public static TryForceCompanyWidePasswordChange ( this session, ICollection exceptionUserIds, string &exception ) : bool
session this
exceptionUserIds ICollection
exception string
return bool