C# Class GTAVBETrainerDotNet.Feature.Vehicle.SpeedMeter

Speed meter features
显示文件 Open project: betenner/betrainer

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Show bool
ShowInMetric bool
ShowWithoutVehicle bool

Public Methods

Method Description
SetShow ( MenuItem sender ) : void

Sets show

SetShowInMetric ( MenuItem sender ) : void

Sets show in metric

SetShowWithoutVehicle ( MenuItem sender ) : void

Sets show without vehicle

UpdateSpeedMeter ( ) : void

Updates and show speed meter

Method Details

SetShow() public static method

Sets show
public static SetShow ( MenuItem sender ) : void
sender GTAVBETrainerDotNet.Menu.MenuItem Source menu item
return void

SetShowInMetric() public static method

Sets show in metric
public static SetShowInMetric ( MenuItem sender ) : void
sender GTAVBETrainerDotNet.Menu.MenuItem Source menu item
return void

SetShowWithoutVehicle() public static method

Sets show without vehicle
public static SetShowWithoutVehicle ( MenuItem sender ) : void
sender GTAVBETrainerDotNet.Menu.MenuItem Source menu item
return void

UpdateSpeedMeter() public static method

Updates and show speed meter
public static UpdateSpeedMeter ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

Show public_oe static_oe property

public static bool Show
return bool

ShowInMetric public_oe static_oe property

public static bool ShowInMetric
return bool

ShowWithoutVehicle public_oe static_oe property

public static bool ShowWithoutVehicle
return bool