C# Class FacialRecognitionDoor.Helpers.OxfordFaceAPIHelper

Allows easy access to oxford functions such as adding a visitor to whitelist and checing to see if a visitor is on the whitelist
显示文件 Open project: ms-iot/Facial-Recognition-Door

Public Methods

Method Description
AddImageToWhitelist ( StorageFile imageFile, string name ) : void

Accepts an image file and the name of a visitor. Associates photo with exisiting visitor.

AddUserToWhitelist ( string name, StorageFolder photoFolder ) : void

Accepts a user name and the folder in which their identifying photos are stored. Adds them to the whitelist.

InitializeOxford ( ) : Task

Initializes Oxford API. Builds existing whitelist or creates one if one does not exist.

IsFaceInWhitelist ( StorageFile image ) : Task>

Checks to see if a whitelisted visitor is in passed through image. Returns list of whitelisted visitors. If no authorized users are detected, returns an empty list.

RemoveUserFromWhitelist ( string name ) : void

Accepts the name of a visitor. Removes them from whitelist.

Method Details

AddImageToWhitelist() public static method

Accepts an image file and the name of a visitor. Associates photo with exisiting visitor.
public static AddImageToWhitelist ( StorageFile imageFile, string name ) : void
imageFile Windows.Storage.StorageFile
name string
return void

AddUserToWhitelist() public static method

Accepts a user name and the folder in which their identifying photos are stored. Adds them to the whitelist.
public static AddUserToWhitelist ( string name, StorageFolder photoFolder ) : void
name string
photoFolder Windows.Storage.StorageFolder
return void

InitializeOxford() public static method

Initializes Oxford API. Builds existing whitelist or creates one if one does not exist.
public static InitializeOxford ( ) : Task
return Task

IsFaceInWhitelist() public static method

Checks to see if a whitelisted visitor is in passed through image. Returns list of whitelisted visitors. If no authorized users are detected, returns an empty list.
public static IsFaceInWhitelist ( StorageFile image ) : Task>
image Windows.Storage.StorageFile
return Task>

RemoveUserFromWhitelist() public static method

Accepts the name of a visitor. Removes them from whitelist.
public static RemoveUserFromWhitelist ( string name ) : void
name string
return void