C# Class FSharp.ProjectExtender.GlobalServices

显示文件 Open project: Hill30/F--Project-Extender Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DocumentTracker IVsTrackProjectDocuments2
RDT IVsRunningDocumentTable
SelectionMonitor IVsMonitorSelection
Shell IVsUIShell
Solution IVsSolution
documentTracker IVsTrackProjectDocuments2
dte EnvDTE.DTE
selectionMonitor IVsMonitorSelection
shell IVsUIShell
solution IVsSolution

Public Methods

Method Description
IsSameComObject ( object obj1, object obj2 ) : bool

Verifies that two objects represent the same instance of a COM object. This essentially compares the IUnkown pointers of the 2 objects. This is needed in scenario where aggregation is involved.

getFSharpProjectNode ( IVsProject root ) : Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.ProjectSystem.ProjectNode

Retrieves the FSharp project node from the IVsProject interface

get_current_project ( ) : IVsProject

retrieves the IVsProject interface for currentll selected project

get_current_project_stub ( ) : string

retrieves the IVsProject interface for currentll selected project

Private Methods

Method Description
QueryInterfaceIUnknown ( object objToQuery ) : IntPtr

Retrieve the IUnknown for the managed or COM object passed in.

getSolutionExplorer ( ) : IVsUIHierarchyWindow

returns a pointer to the solution explorer window. Used to intialize the static pointer

get_selectionTracker ( ) : IVsTrackSelectionEx

Method Details

IsSameComObject() public static method

Verifies that two objects represent the same instance of a COM object. This essentially compares the IUnkown pointers of the 2 objects. This is needed in scenario where aggregation is involved.
public static IsSameComObject ( object obj1, object obj2 ) : bool
obj1 object Can be an object, interface or IntPtr
obj2 object Can be an object, interface or IntPtr
return bool

getFSharpProjectNode() public static method

Retrieves the FSharp project node from the IVsProject interface
public static getFSharpProjectNode ( IVsProject root ) : Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.ProjectSystem.ProjectNode
root IVsProject
return Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.ProjectSystem.ProjectNode

get_current_project() public static method

retrieves the IVsProject interface for currentll selected project
public static get_current_project ( ) : IVsProject
return IVsProject

get_current_project_stub() public static method

retrieves the IVsProject interface for currentll selected project
public static get_current_project_stub ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

DTE public_oe static_oe property

public static EnvDTE.DTE DTE
return EnvDTE.DTE

DocumentTracker public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsTrackProjectDocuments2 DocumentTracker
return IVsTrackProjectDocuments2

RDT public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsRunningDocumentTable RDT
return IVsRunningDocumentTable

SelectionMonitor public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsMonitorSelection SelectionMonitor
return IVsMonitorSelection

Shell public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsUIShell Shell
return IVsUIShell

Solution public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsSolution Solution
return IVsSolution

documentTracker public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsTrackProjectDocuments2 documentTracker
return IVsTrackProjectDocuments2

dte public_oe static_oe property

public static EnvDTE.DTE dte
return EnvDTE.DTE

selectionMonitor public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsMonitorSelection selectionMonitor
return IVsMonitorSelection

shell public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsUIShell shell
return IVsUIShell

solution public_oe static_oe property

public static IVsSolution solution
return IVsSolution