C# Class Excavator.ExcavatorComponent

Excavator holds the base methods and properties needed to convert data to Rock
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
DataNodes List
DisableAuditing bool
ImportDateTime System.DateTime
ReportingNumber int

Public Methods

Method Description
LoadSchema ( string fileName ) : bool

Loads the database into memory and fills a DataNode instance.

LogException ( string category, string message ) : void

Logs the exception.

PreviewData ( string nodeId ) : DataTable

Previews the data.

ReportPartialProgress ( ) : void

Reports a partial progress with extra ellipses

ReportProgress ( int progress, string status ) : void

Reports the progress with a custom status.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns the full name of this excavator type.

TransformData ( string>.Dictionary settings ) : int

Transforms the data.

Method Details

LoadSchema() public abstract method

Loads the database into memory and fills a DataNode instance.
public abstract LoadSchema ( string fileName ) : bool
fileName string
return bool

LogException() public static method

Logs the exception.
public static LogException ( string category, string message ) : void
category string The category.
message string The message.
return void

PreviewData() public method

Previews the data.
public PreviewData ( string nodeId ) : DataTable
nodeId string
return System.Data.DataTable

ReportPartialProgress() public method

Reports a partial progress with extra ellipses
public ReportPartialProgress ( ) : void
return void

ReportProgress() public method

Reports the progress with a custom status.
public ReportProgress ( int progress, string status ) : void
progress int The progress.
status string The status.
return void

ToString() public method

Returns the full name of this excavator type.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

TransformData() public abstract method

Transforms the data.
public abstract TransformData ( string>.Dictionary settings ) : int
settings string>.Dictionary The settings.
return int

Property Details

DataNodes public_oe property

Holds a reference to the data nodes loaded in memory
public List DataNodes
return List

DisableAuditing public_oe static_oe property

Flag to set postprocessing audits on save
public static bool DisableAuditing
return bool

ImportDateTime public_oe static_oe property

Gets the import date and time
public static DateTime,System ImportDateTime
return System.DateTime

ReportingNumber public_oe property

Report progress when a multiple of this number has been imported
public int ReportingNumber
return int