C# Class Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Toolkit.Security.CredentialManager

Helper class for managing the storage of credentials in the credential locker
显示文件 Open project: Esri/arcgis-toolkit-dotnet Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddCredential ( Credential credential ) : void

Adds a credential to the isolated storage.

RemoveAllCredentials ( ) : void

Removes all ArcGISRuntime credentials.

RetrieveAll ( ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves all ArcGISRuntime credentials stored in the isolated storage.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddCachedCredential ( string host, string userName, string passwordValue ) : void
Decrypt ( string str ) : string
Encrypt ( string str ) : string
GetCachedCredentials ( ) : IEnumerable
GetStore ( ) : IsolatedStorageFile
RemoveCachedCredentials ( ) : void

Method Details

AddCredential() public static method

Adds a credential to the isolated storage.
public static AddCredential ( Credential credential ) : void
credential Credential The credential to be added.
return void

RemoveAllCredentials() public static method

Removes all ArcGISRuntime credentials.
public static RemoveAllCredentials ( ) : void
return void

RetrieveAll() public static method

Retrieves all ArcGISRuntime credentials stored in the isolated storage.
public static RetrieveAll ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable