C# Class Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Toolkit.Controls.FeatureDataField.DataItem

Abstract base class for all DataItem derived class. They all should have a Value property and notify the FeatureDataField when thier value changes.
Inheritance: INotifyPropertyChanged
显示文件 Open project: Esri/arcgis-toolkit-dotnet

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
Callback Action

Protected Methods

Method Description
DataItem ( Action callback ) : System

Creates new instance of DataItem and sets the callback property.

DataItem ( Action callback, object value ) : System

Creates new instance of DataItem and sets the callback and value property.

OnPropertyChanged ( [ propertyName = null ) : void
OnValueChanged ( ) : void

Rasies the callback and passes the new value.

Method Details

DataItem() protected method

Creates new instance of DataItem and sets the callback property.
protected DataItem ( Action callback ) : System
callback Action The callback to be raised /// when Value proeprty changes.
return System

DataItem() protected method

Creates new instance of DataItem and sets the callback and value property.
protected DataItem ( Action callback, object value ) : System
callback Action The callback to be raised /// when Value proeprty changes.
value object The default value.
return System

OnPropertyChanged() protected method

protected OnPropertyChanged ( [ propertyName = null ) : void
propertyName [
return void

OnValueChanged() protected method

Rasies the callback and passes the new value.
protected OnValueChanged ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

Callback protected_oe property

Callback for notifying FeatureDataField that the value proepry has changed.
protected Action Callback
return Action