C# Class DamageTracker.GraphEngine

Draw live combat bar graphs in the main window
显示文件 Open project: BryanHurst/Aion-DamageTracker Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
get_colormatrix ( Color c ) : System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix

Color matrix to color depending on damage output

paint_meter ( Graphics graphics, PaintEventArgs e, PictureBox Scene ) : void

Method Details

get_colormatrix() public static method

Color matrix to color depending on damage output
public static get_colormatrix ( Color c ) : System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix
c Color
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix

paint_meter() public static method

public static paint_meter ( Graphics graphics, PaintEventArgs e, PictureBox Scene ) : void
graphics System.Drawing.Graphics
e PaintEventArgs
Scene System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
return void