C# Class DZLib.Core.DZInterrupter.InterruptableSpell

Represents an interruptable spell.
显示文件 Open project: DZ191/LeagueSharp

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Enabled bool

Public Methods

Method Description
InterruptableSpell ( SpellSlot slot, DangerLevel dangerLevel, bool movementInterrupts = true ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the InterruptableSpell class.

Method Details

InterruptableSpell() public method

Initializes a new instance of the InterruptableSpell class.
public InterruptableSpell ( SpellSlot slot, DangerLevel dangerLevel, bool movementInterrupts = true ) : System
slot SpellSlot The slot.
dangerLevel DangerLevel The danger level.
movementInterrupts bool if set to true [movement interrupts].
return System

Property Details

Enabled public_oe property

public bool Enabled
return bool