C# Class CorvallisBusCoreNetCore.WebClients.ConnexionzClient

Exposes methods for getting transit data from Connexionz.
显示文件 Open project: RikkiGibson/Corvallis-Bus-Server Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Platforms AsyncLazy>
Routes AsyncLazy>

Public Methods

Method Description
GetPlatformEtaAsync ( int platformTag ) : Task

Gets the Connexionz-estimated time of arrival for a given stop.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetPlatformsAsync ( ) : Task>

Downloads static Connexionz Platforms (Stops) info.

GetRoutesAsync ( ) : Task>

Downloads static Connexionz Route (e.g. Route 1, Route 8, etc) info.

Method Details

GetPlatformEtaAsync() public static method

Gets the Connexionz-estimated time of arrival for a given stop.
public static GetPlatformEtaAsync ( int platformTag ) : Task
platformTag int
return Task

Property Details

Platforms public_oe static_oe property

Lazy-loaded platform data.
public static AsyncLazy> Platforms
return AsyncLazy>

Routes public_oe static_oe property

lazy-loaded Route data.
public static AsyncLazy> Routes
return AsyncLazy>