C# Class ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.PaletteTripleRedirect

Implement storage for palette border, background and content.
Inheritance: Storage, IPaletteTriple
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
ShouldSerializeBack bool
ShouldSerializeBorder bool
ShouldSerializeContent bool

Public Methods

Method Description
PaletteTripleRedirect ( PaletteBackStyle backStyle, PaletteBorderStyle borderStyle, PaletteContentStyle contentStyle ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the PaletteTripleRedirect class.

PaletteTripleRedirect ( PaletteRedirect redirect, PaletteBackStyle backStyle, PaletteBorderStyle borderStyle, PaletteContentStyle contentStyle ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the PaletteTripleRedirect class.

PaletteTripleRedirect ( PaletteRedirect redirect, PaletteBackStyle backStyle, PaletteBorderStyle borderStyle, PaletteContentStyle contentStyle, NeedPaintHandler needPaint ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the PaletteTripleRedirect class.

PopulateFromBase ( PaletteState state ) : void

Populate values from the base palette.

SetRedirector ( PaletteRedirect redirect ) : void

Update the redirector with new reference.

SetStyles ( ButtonStyle buttonStyle ) : void

Update the palette styles using a button style.

SetStyles ( HeaderStyle headerStyle ) : void

Update the palette styles using a header style.

SetStyles ( PaletteBackStyle backStyle, PaletteBorderStyle borderStyle, PaletteContentStyle contentStyle ) : void

Update each individual style.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnNeedPaint ( object sender, bool needLayout ) : void

Handle a change event from palette source.

Private Methods

Method Description
ShouldSerializeBack ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeBorder ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeContent ( ) : bool

Method Details

OnNeedPaint() protected method

Handle a change event from palette source.
protected OnNeedPaint ( object sender, bool needLayout ) : void
sender object Source of the event.
needLayout bool True if a layout is also needed.
return void

PaletteTripleRedirect() public method

Initialize a new instance of the PaletteTripleRedirect class.
public PaletteTripleRedirect ( PaletteBackStyle backStyle, PaletteBorderStyle borderStyle, PaletteContentStyle contentStyle ) : System
backStyle PaletteBackStyle Initial background style.
borderStyle PaletteBorderStyle Initial border style.
contentStyle PaletteContentStyle Initial content style.
return System

PaletteTripleRedirect() public method

Initialize a new instance of the PaletteTripleRedirect class.
public PaletteTripleRedirect ( PaletteRedirect redirect, PaletteBackStyle backStyle, PaletteBorderStyle borderStyle, PaletteContentStyle contentStyle ) : System
redirect PaletteRedirect Inheritence redirection instance.
backStyle PaletteBackStyle Initial background style.
borderStyle PaletteBorderStyle Initial border style.
contentStyle PaletteContentStyle Initial content style.
return System

PaletteTripleRedirect() public method

Initialize a new instance of the PaletteTripleRedirect class.
public PaletteTripleRedirect ( PaletteRedirect redirect, PaletteBackStyle backStyle, PaletteBorderStyle borderStyle, PaletteContentStyle contentStyle, NeedPaintHandler needPaint ) : System
redirect PaletteRedirect Inheritence redirection instance.
backStyle PaletteBackStyle Initial background style.
borderStyle PaletteBorderStyle Initial border style.
contentStyle PaletteContentStyle Initial content style.
needPaint NeedPaintHandler Delegate for notifying paint requests.
return System

PopulateFromBase() public method

Populate values from the base palette.
public PopulateFromBase ( PaletteState state ) : void
state PaletteState Palette state to use when populating.
return void

SetRedirector() public method

Update the redirector with new reference.
public SetRedirector ( PaletteRedirect redirect ) : void
redirect PaletteRedirect Target redirector.
return void

SetStyles() public method

Update the palette styles using a button style.
public SetStyles ( ButtonStyle buttonStyle ) : void
buttonStyle ButtonStyle New button style.
return void

SetStyles() public method

Update the palette styles using a header style.
public SetStyles ( HeaderStyle headerStyle ) : void
headerStyle HeaderStyle New header style.
return void

SetStyles() public method

Update each individual style.
public SetStyles ( PaletteBackStyle backStyle, PaletteBorderStyle borderStyle, PaletteContentStyle contentStyle ) : void
backStyle PaletteBackStyle New background style.
borderStyle PaletteBorderStyle New border style.
contentStyle PaletteContentStyle New content style.
return void