C# Class Canguro.Model.Model

Inheritance: IModel
显示文件 Open project: rforsbach/Treu-Structure Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DefaultResponseSpectrum Canguro.Model.Load.ResponseSpectrum
Instance Model
ResponseSpectra IList

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildAnalysisCaseAdjacency ( ) : LinkedList>.Dictionary

Builds an adjacencyList of dependant abstract cases, so that each entry has its dependant cases in its list

ChangeModel ( ) : void

Por este medio se le avisa a Model que están occurriendo cambios. Lanza el evento ModelChanged

ChangeSelection ( Item picked ) : void

Por este medio se le avisa a Model que la selección cambió. Lanza el evento SelectionChanged

ConfirmUnlockModel ( ) : bool

Opens a dialog to confirm unlocking the model.

GetConnectivityGraph ( ) : List>

Creates and returns a connectivity graph in the form of an adjacency list. Each joint is a vertex in the garph and each element is one or more (areas) edges.

Load ( string path ) : void

Reads a file with a serialized model.

NewResults ( ) : void

Method to inform the model that new results have arrived Throws the event ResultsArrived

RepairAbstractCases ( AbstractCase changedAc ) : void

Repairs the IsActive state of the abstract cases so that no active case depends upon an unactive case

Reset ( ) : void

Destruye todo el modelo y lo deja limpio

Save ( string path ) : void

Serializes and saves the Model to a file.

UnSelectAll ( ) : void

Deselects all joints, line and area elements.

Private Methods

Method Description
ChangeModel ( bool gadgetsChanged ) : void
Model ( ) : System
abstractCases_ElementRemoved ( object sender, ListChangedEventArgs args ) : void

Callback function called before an abstract case is deleted. Cancels the removing if the case has dependencies.

layers_ElementRemoved ( object sender, ListChangedEventArgs args ) : void
loadCases_ElementRemoved ( object sender, ListChangedEventArgs args ) : void
repairAbstractCases ( AbstractCase changedAc, Dictionary adjacency ) : void
sections_ElementRemoved ( object sender, ListChangedEventArgs args ) : void

Method Details

BuildAnalysisCaseAdjacency() public method

Builds an adjacencyList of dependant abstract cases, so that each entry has its dependant cases in its list
public BuildAnalysisCaseAdjacency ( ) : LinkedList>.Dictionary
return LinkedList>.Dictionary

ChangeModel() public method

Por este medio se le avisa a Model que están occurriendo cambios. Lanza el evento ModelChanged
public ChangeModel ( ) : void
return void

ChangeSelection() public method

Por este medio se le avisa a Model que la selección cambió. Lanza el evento SelectionChanged
public ChangeSelection ( Item picked ) : void
picked Item
return void

ConfirmUnlockModel() public method

Opens a dialog to confirm unlocking the model.
public ConfirmUnlockModel ( ) : bool
return bool

GetConnectivityGraph() public method

Creates and returns a connectivity graph in the form of an adjacency list. Each joint is a vertex in the garph and each element is one or more (areas) edges.
public GetConnectivityGraph ( ) : List>
return List>

Load() public method

Reads a file with a serialized model.
public Load ( string path ) : void
path string Path to the .tsm file
return void

NewResults() public method

Method to inform the model that new results have arrived Throws the event ResultsArrived
public NewResults ( ) : void
return void

RepairAbstractCases() public method

Repairs the IsActive state of the abstract cases so that no active case depends upon an unactive case
public RepairAbstractCases ( AbstractCase changedAc ) : void
changedAc Canguro.Model.Load.AbstractCase The last abstract case that has changed
return void

Reset() public method

Destruye todo el modelo y lo deja limpio
public Reset ( ) : void
return void

Save() public method

Serializes and saves the Model to a file.
public Save ( string path ) : void
path string Path to the file
return void

UnSelectAll() public method

Deselects all joints, line and area elements.
public UnSelectAll ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

DefaultResponseSpectrum public_oe property

public ResponseSpectrum,Canguro.Model.Load DefaultResponseSpectrum
return Canguro.Model.Load.ResponseSpectrum

Instance public_oe static_oe property

Singleton pattern.
public static Model,Canguro.Model Instance
return Model

ResponseSpectra public_oe property

public IList ResponseSpectra
return IList