C# Class CSPspEmu.Hle.Vfs.HleIoDrvFileArg

显示文件 Open project: soywiz/cspspemu Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AsyncLastResult long
Callback object
CallbackArgument int
DriverName string
FileArgument IDisposable
FileSystemNumber int
FullFileName string
HleIoDriver IHleIoDriver

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void

HleIoDrvFileArg ( string DriverName, IHleIoDriver HleIoDriver, int FileSystemNumber, IDisposable FileArgument = null ) : System

Method Details

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

HleIoDrvFileArg() public method

public HleIoDrvFileArg ( string DriverName, IHleIoDriver HleIoDriver, int FileSystemNumber, IDisposable FileArgument = null ) : System
DriverName string
HleIoDriver IHleIoDriver
FileSystemNumber int
FileArgument IDisposable
return System

Property Details

AsyncLastResult public_oe property

Last result produced by an async call.
public long AsyncLastResult
return long

Callback public_oe property

public object Callback
return object

CallbackArgument public_oe property

public int CallbackArgument
return int

DriverName public_oe property

public string DriverName
return string

FileArgument public_oe property

Pointer to a user defined argument, this is preserved on a per file basis
public IDisposable FileArgument
return IDisposable

FileSystemNumber public_oe property

The file system number, e.g. if a file is opened as host5:/myfile.txt this field will be 5
public int FileSystemNumber
return int

FullFileName public_oe property

File Name if available.
public string FullFileName
return string

HleIoDriver public_oe property

Original driver.
public IHleIoDriver HleIoDriver
return IHleIoDriver