C# Class CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.CBlkSizeSpec

This class extends ModuleSpec class for code-blocks sizes holding purposes.

It stores the size a of code-block.

Inheritance: CSJ2K.j2k.ModuleSpec
显示文件 Open project: cureos/csj2k Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CBlkSizeSpec ( int nt, int nc, byte type ) : System

Creates a new CBlkSizeSpec object for the specified number of tiles and components.

CBlkSizeSpec ( int nt, int nc, byte type, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList pl ) : System

Creates a new CBlkSizeSpec object for the specified number of tiles and components and the ParameterList instance.

getCBlkHeight ( byte type, int t, int c ) : int

Returns the code-block height:

  • for the specified tile/component
  • for the specified tile
  • for the specified component
  • default value
The value returned depends on the value of the variable 'type' which can take the following values :
  • SPEC_DEF -> Default value is returned. t and c values are ignored
  • SPEC_COMP_DEF -> Component default value is returned. t value is ignored
  • SPEC_TILE_DEF -> Tile default value is returned. c value is ignored
  • SPEC_TILE_COMP -> Tile/Component value is returned.

getCBlkWidth ( byte type, int t, int c ) : int

Returns the code-block width :

  • for the specified tile/component
  • for the specified tile
  • for the specified component
  • default value
The value returned depends on the value of the variable 'type' which can take the following values :
  • SPEC_DEF -> Default value is returned. t and c values are ignored
  • SPEC_COMP_DEF -> Component default value is returned. t value is ignored
  • SPEC_TILE_DEF -> Tile default value is returned. c value is ignored
  • SPEC_TILE_COMP -> Tile/Component value is returned.

setCompDef ( int c, System value_Renamed ) : void

Sets default value for specified component and specValType tag if allowed by its priority.

setDefault ( System value_Renamed ) : void

Sets default value for this module

setTileCompVal ( int t, int c, System value_Renamed ) : void

Sets value for specified tile-component.

setTileDef ( int t, System value_Renamed ) : void

Sets default value for specified tile and specValType tag if allowed by its priority.

Private Methods

Method Description
storeHighestDims ( System dim ) : void

Stores the highest code-block width and height

Method Details

CBlkSizeSpec() public method

Creates a new CBlkSizeSpec object for the specified number of tiles and components.
public CBlkSizeSpec ( int nt, int nc, byte type ) : System
nt int The number of tiles /// ///
nc int The number of components /// ///
type byte the type of the specification module i.e. tile specific, /// component specific or both. /// ///
return System

CBlkSizeSpec() public method

Creates a new CBlkSizeSpec object for the specified number of tiles and components and the ParameterList instance.
public CBlkSizeSpec ( int nt, int nc, byte type, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList pl ) : System
nt int The number of tiles /// ///
nc int The number of components /// ///
type byte the type of the specification module i.e. tile specific, /// component specific or both. /// ///
pl CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList The ParameterList instance /// ///
return System

getCBlkHeight() public method

Returns the code-block height:
  • for the specified tile/component
  • for the specified tile
  • for the specified component
  • default value
The value returned depends on the value of the variable 'type' which can take the following values :
  • SPEC_DEF -> Default value is returned. t and c values are ignored
  • SPEC_COMP_DEF -> Component default value is returned. t value is ignored
  • SPEC_TILE_DEF -> Tile default value is returned. c value is ignored
  • SPEC_TILE_COMP -> Tile/Component value is returned.
public getCBlkHeight ( byte type, int t, int c ) : int
type byte The type of the value we want to be returned /// ///
t int The tile index /// ///
c int the component index /// ///
return int

getCBlkWidth() public method

Returns the code-block width :
  • for the specified tile/component
  • for the specified tile
  • for the specified component
  • default value
The value returned depends on the value of the variable 'type' which can take the following values :
  • SPEC_DEF -> Default value is returned. t and c values are ignored
  • SPEC_COMP_DEF -> Component default value is returned. t value is ignored
  • SPEC_TILE_DEF -> Tile default value is returned. c value is ignored
  • SPEC_TILE_COMP -> Tile/Component value is returned.
public getCBlkWidth ( byte type, int t, int c ) : int
type byte The type of the value we want to be returned /// ///
t int The tile index /// ///
c int the component index /// ///
return int

setCompDef() public method

Sets default value for specified component and specValType tag if allowed by its priority.
public setCompDef ( int c, System value_Renamed ) : void
c int Component index /// ///
value_Renamed System
return void

setDefault() public method

Sets default value for this module
public setDefault ( System value_Renamed ) : void
value_Renamed System
return void

setTileCompVal() public method

Sets value for specified tile-component.
public setTileCompVal ( int t, int c, System value_Renamed ) : void
t int Tie index /// ///
c int Component index /// ///
value_Renamed System
return void

setTileDef() public method

Sets default value for specified tile and specValType tag if allowed by its priority.
public setTileDef ( int t, System value_Renamed ) : void
t int
value_Renamed System
return void