C# Class Brunet.Security.Transport.WrapperEdge

Provides a Wrapper for edges, this allows us to control input, output, and state of the edge. This class is thread-safe.
Inheritance: Edge, IDataHandler
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_edge Edge
_weclosed int

Public Methods

Method Description
Close ( ) : bool
HandleData ( MemBlock b, ISender return_path, object state ) : void

We automatically push all data to the listener of this edge.

Send ( ICopyable p ) : void

Sends the data over the underlying edge.

ToString ( ) : string
WrapperEdge ( Edge edge ) : System
WrapperEdge ( Edge edge, bool SubscribeToEdge ) : System

Method Details

Close() public method

public Close ( ) : bool
return bool

HandleData() public method

We automatically push all data to the listener of this edge.
public HandleData ( MemBlock b, ISender return_path, object state ) : void
b MemBlock
return_path ISender
state object
return void

Send() public method

Sends the data over the underlying edge.
public Send ( ICopyable p ) : void
p ICopyable
return void

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

WrapperEdge() public method

public WrapperEdge ( Edge edge ) : System
edge Edge
return System

WrapperEdge() public method

public WrapperEdge ( Edge edge, bool SubscribeToEdge ) : System
edge Edge The edge to wrap.
SubscribeToEdge bool Should this subscribe to the edge.
return System

Property Details

_edge protected_oe property

protected Edge _edge
return Edge

_weclosed protected_oe property

protected int _weclosed
return int