C# Class Axiom.Core.TextureManager

Class for loading & managing textures.
Texture manager serves as an abstract singleton for all API specific texture managers. When a class inherits from this and is created, a instance of that class (i.e. GLTextureManager) is stored in the global singleton instance of the TextureManager. Note: This will not take place until the RenderSystem is initialized and at least one RenderWindow has been created.
Inheritance: ResourceManager
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_defaultMipmapCount int

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Create a manual texture with a depth of 1 (not loaded from a file).

CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Create a manual texture with a depth of 1 (not loaded from a file).

CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection, int fsaa ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection, int fsaa, string fsaaHint ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection, int fsaa ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth, int numMipMaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection, int fsaa, string fsaaHint ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Create a manual texture with specified width, height and depth (not loaded from a file).

GetNativeFormat ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage ) : PixelFormat
IsEquivalentFormatSupported ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage ) : bool
IsFormatSupported ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage ) : bool
IsHardwareFilteringSupported ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, int usage ) : bool

Returns whether this render system has hardware filtering supported for the texture format requested with the given usage options.

IsHardwareFilteringSupported ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, int usage, bool preciseFormatOnly ) : bool

Returns whether this render system has hardware filtering supported for the texture format requested with the given usage options.

Load ( string name, string group ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Loads a texture with the specified name.

Load ( string name, string group, TextureType type ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Load ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int numMipMaps ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
Load ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int numMipMaps, float gamma, bool isAlpha ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Load ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int numMipMaps, float gamma, bool isAlpha, PixelFormat desiredFormat ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

LoadImage ( string name, string group, Image image ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Loads a pre-existing image into the texture.

LoadImage ( string name, string group, Image image, TextureType texType ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Loads a pre-existing image into the texture.

LoadImage ( string name, string group, Image image, TextureType texType, int numMipMaps, float gamma, bool isAlpha, PixelFormat desiredFormat ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Loads a pre-existing image into the texture.

SetPreferredBitDepths ( ushort integerBits, ushort floatBits, bool reloadTextures ) : void
SetPreferredFloatBitDepth ( ushort bits, bool reloadTextures ) : void
SetPreferredIntegerBitDepth ( ushort bits, bool reloadTextures ) : void
this ( string name ) : Axiom.Core.Texture

Returns an instance of Texture that has the supplied name.

Protected Methods

Method Description
TextureManager ( ) : System

Internal constructor. This class cannot be instantiated externally.

Protected internal because this singleton will actually hold the instance of a subclass created by a render system plugin.

dispose ( bool disposeManagedResources ) : void

Called when the engine is shutting down.

Method Details

CreateManual() public method

public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
width int
height int
numMipmaps int
format PixelFormat
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

Create a manual texture with a depth of 1 (not loaded from a file).
public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string The name to give the resulting texture
group string The name of the resource group to assign the texture to
type TextureType The type of texture to load/create, defaults to normal 2D textures
width int The dimensions of the texture
height int The dimensions of the texture
numMipmaps int /// The number of pre-filtered mipmaps to generate. If left to MIP_DEFAULT then /// the TextureManager's default number of mipmaps will be used (see setDefaultNumMipmaps()). /// If set to MIP_UNLIMITED mipmaps will be generated until the lowest possible /// level, 1x1x1. ///
format PixelFormat /// The internal format you wish to request; the manager reserves /// the right to create a different format if the one you select is /// not available in this context. ///
usage TextureUsage /// The kind of usage this texture is intended for. It /// is a combination of TU_STATIC, TU_DYNAMIC, TU_WRITE_ONLY, /// TU_AUTOMIPMAP and TU_RENDERTARGET (see TextureUsage enum). You are /// strongly advised to use HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY wherever possible, if you need to /// update regularly, consider HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY. ///
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

Create a manual texture with a depth of 1 (not loaded from a file).
public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string The name to give the resulting texture
group string The name of the resource group to assign the texture to
type TextureType The type of texture to load/create, defaults to normal 2D textures
width int The dimensions of the texture
height int The dimensions of the texture
numMipmaps int /// The number of pre-filtered mipmaps to generate. If left to MIP_DEFAULT then /// the TextureManager's default number of mipmaps will be used (see setDefaultNumMipmaps()). /// If set to MIP_UNLIMITED mipmaps will be generated until the lowest possible /// level, 1x1x1. ///
format PixelFormat /// The internal format you wish to request; the manager reserves /// the right to create a different format if the one you select is /// not available in this context. ///
usage TextureUsage /// The kind of usage this texture is intended for. It /// is a combination of TU_STATIC, TU_DYNAMIC, TU_WRITE_ONLY, /// TU_AUTOMIPMAP and TU_RENDERTARGET (see TextureUsage enum). You are /// strongly advised to use HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY wherever possible, if you need to /// update regularly, consider HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY. ///
loader IManualResourceLoader /// If you intend the contents of the manual texture to be /// regularly updated, to the extent that you don't need to recover /// the contents if the texture content is lost somehow, you can leave /// this parameter as null. However, if you intend to populate the /// texture only once, then you should implement ManualResourceLoader /// and pass a pointer to it in this parameter; this means that if the /// manual texture ever needs to be reloaded, the ManualResourceLoader /// will be called to do it. ///
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
width int
height int
numMipmaps int
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
loader IManualResourceLoader
hwGammaCorrection bool
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection, int fsaa ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
width int
height int
numMipmaps int
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
loader IManualResourceLoader
hwGammaCorrection bool
fsaa int
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection, int fsaa, string fsaaHint ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
width int
height int
numMipmaps int
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
loader IManualResourceLoader
hwGammaCorrection bool
fsaa int
fsaaHint string
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
width int
height int
depth int
numMipmaps int
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
loader IManualResourceLoader
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
width int
height int
depth int
numMipmaps int
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
loader IManualResourceLoader
hwGammaCorrection bool
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection, int fsaa ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
width int
height int
depth int
numMipmaps int
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
loader IManualResourceLoader
hwGammaCorrection bool
fsaa int
return Axiom.Core.Texture

CreateManual() public method

Create a manual texture with specified width, height and depth (not loaded from a file).
public CreateManual ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth, int numMipMaps, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage, IManualResourceLoader loader, bool hwGammaCorrection, int fsaa, string fsaaHint ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string The name to give the resulting texture
group string The name of the resource group to assign the texture to
type TextureType The type of texture to load/create, defaults to normal 2D textures
width int The dimensions of the texture
height int The dimensions of the texture
depth int The dimensions of the texture
numMipMaps int /// The number of pre-filtered mipmaps to generate. If left to MIP_DEFAULT then /// the TextureManager's default number of mipmaps will be used (see setDefaultNumMipmaps()). /// If set to MIP_UNLIMITED mipmaps will be generated until the lowest possible /// level, 1x1x1. ///
format PixelFormat /// The internal format you wish to request; the manager reserves /// the right to create a different format if the one you select is /// not available in this context. ///
usage TextureUsage /// The kind of usage this texture is intended for. It /// is a combination of TU_STATIC, TU_DYNAMIC, TU_WRITE_ONLY, /// TU_AUTOMIPMAP and TU_RENDERTARGET (see TextureUsage enum). You are /// strongly advised to use HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY wherever possible, if you need to /// update regularly, consider HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY. ///
loader IManualResourceLoader /// If you intend the contents of the manual texture to be /// regularly updated, to the extent that you don't need to recover /// the contents if the texture content is lost somehow, you can leave /// this parameter as null. However, if you intend to populate the /// texture only once, then you should implement ManualResourceLoader /// and pass a pointer to it in this parameter; this means that if the /// manual texture ever needs to be reloaded, the ManualResourceLoader /// will be called to do it. ///
hwGammaCorrection bool
fsaa int
fsaaHint string
return Axiom.Core.Texture

GetNativeFormat() public method

public GetNativeFormat ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage ) : PixelFormat
ttype TextureType
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
return PixelFormat

IsEquivalentFormatSupported() public method

public IsEquivalentFormatSupported ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage ) : bool
ttype TextureType
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
return bool

IsFormatSupported() public method

public IsFormatSupported ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage ) : bool
ttype TextureType
format PixelFormat
usage TextureUsage
return bool

IsHardwareFilteringSupported() public method

Returns whether this render system has hardware filtering supported for the texture format requested with the given usage options.
public IsHardwareFilteringSupported ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, int usage ) : bool
ttype TextureType The texture type requested
format PixelFormat The pixel format requested
usage int the kind of usage this texture is intended for, a combination of the TextureUsage flags.
return bool

IsHardwareFilteringSupported() public method

Returns whether this render system has hardware filtering supported for the texture format requested with the given usage options.
public IsHardwareFilteringSupported ( TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, int usage, bool preciseFormatOnly ) : bool
ttype TextureType The texture type requested
format PixelFormat The pixel format requested
usage int the kind of usage this texture is intended for, a combination of the TextureUsage flags.
preciseFormatOnly bool /// Whether precise or fallback format mode is used to detecting. /// In case the pixel format doesn't supported by device, false will be returned /// if in precise mode, and natively used pixel format will be actually use to /// check if in fallback mode. ///
return bool

Load() public method

Loads a texture with the specified name.
public Load ( string name, string group ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
return Axiom.Core.Texture

Load() public method

public Load ( string name, string group, TextureType type ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
return Axiom.Core.Texture

Load() public method

public Load ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int numMipMaps ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
numMipMaps int
return Axiom.Core.Texture

Load() public method

public Load ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int numMipMaps, float gamma, bool isAlpha ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
numMipMaps int
gamma float
isAlpha bool
return Axiom.Core.Texture

Load() public method

public Load ( string name, string group, TextureType type, int numMipMaps, float gamma, bool isAlpha, PixelFormat desiredFormat ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
type TextureType
numMipMaps int
gamma float
isAlpha bool
desiredFormat PixelFormat
return Axiom.Core.Texture

LoadImage() public method

Loads a pre-existing image into the texture.
public LoadImage ( string name, string group, Image image ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
image Image
return Axiom.Core.Texture

LoadImage() public method

Loads a pre-existing image into the texture.
public LoadImage ( string name, string group, Image image, TextureType texType ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
image Image
texType TextureType
return Axiom.Core.Texture

LoadImage() public method

Loads a pre-existing image into the texture.
public LoadImage ( string name, string group, Image image, TextureType texType, int numMipMaps, float gamma, bool isAlpha, PixelFormat desiredFormat ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
group string
image Image
texType TextureType
numMipMaps int
gamma float
isAlpha bool
desiredFormat PixelFormat
return Axiom.Core.Texture

SetPreferredBitDepths() public method

public SetPreferredBitDepths ( ushort integerBits, ushort floatBits, bool reloadTextures ) : void
integerBits ushort
floatBits ushort
reloadTextures bool
return void

SetPreferredFloatBitDepth() public method

public SetPreferredFloatBitDepth ( ushort bits, bool reloadTextures ) : void
bits ushort
reloadTextures bool
return void

SetPreferredIntegerBitDepth() public method

public SetPreferredIntegerBitDepth ( ushort bits, bool reloadTextures ) : void
bits ushort
reloadTextures bool
return void

TextureManager() protected method

Internal constructor. This class cannot be instantiated externally.
Protected internal because this singleton will actually hold the instance of a subclass created by a render system plugin.
protected TextureManager ( ) : System
return System

dispose() protected method

Called when the engine is shutting down.
protected dispose ( bool disposeManagedResources ) : void
disposeManagedResources bool
return void

this() public method

Returns an instance of Texture that has the supplied name.
public this ( string name ) : Axiom.Core.Texture
name string
return Axiom.Core.Texture

Property Details

_defaultMipmapCount protected_oe property

Default number of mipmaps to be used for loaded textures.
protected int _defaultMipmapCount
return int