C# Class Artemis.Engine.Graphics.FontProperties

显示文件 Open project: ArtemisEngine/Artemis-Engine

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Origin Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
OriginIsRelative bool
Rotation double
Scale Vector2?
SpriteEffects SpriteEffects
Tint Color?

Public Methods

Method Description
FontProperties ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color = null, double rotation, Vector2 scale = null, Vector2 origin = null, SpriteEffects spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None, bool originIsRelative = false ) : Microsoft.Xna.Framework

Method Details

FontProperties() public method

public FontProperties ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color = null, double rotation, Vector2 scale = null, Vector2 origin = null, SpriteEffects spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None, bool originIsRelative = false ) : Microsoft.Xna.Framework
color Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
rotation double
scale Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
origin Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
spriteEffects SpriteEffects
originIsRelative bool
return Microsoft.Xna.Framework

Property Details

Origin public_oe property

The text origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner.
public Vector2,Microsoft.Xna.Framework Origin
return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2

OriginIsRelative public_oe property

Whether or not the `Origin` value is a relative or absolute value.
public bool OriginIsRelative
return bool

Rotation public_oe property

Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center.
public double Rotation
return double

Scale public_oe property

Scale factor.
public Vector2? Scale
return Vector2?

SpriteEffects public_oe property

Effects to apply.
public SpriteEffects SpriteEffects
return SpriteEffects

Tint public_oe property

The color to tint the text.
public Color? Tint
return Color?